Using deprecated monitoring features in a Db2 pureScale environment
The IBM® Db2 pureScale Feature extends the database monitoring infrastructure with a rich set of monitor elements that you can use to retrieve information about a Db2 pureScale instance. However, there are some limitations to be aware of when retrieving and interpreting monitoring data using deprecated monitoring interfaces.
This topic describes the limitations to keep in mind when you are using any of the following deprecated features:
- Monitoring locking with snapshot monitor
- Deadlock event monitor
Monitoring locking with snapshot monitor
If you use snapshot
monitoring commands, functions or views to examine information about
locks between members, details about the applications
holding locks are only displayed if the application is running on
the same member as where the snapshot is being taken. Otherwise, the
ID of the application holding the lock are reported as REMOTE
, and other information, such as the application
ID and the lock mode are omitted. For this reason,
consider taking a global snapshot so that information from all members
is returned.
If you take a global snapshot, data for all members is returned. You can determine where the lock is being held by examining the lock name from the snapshot output. If you skim through the reports for each of the members, you can quickly find which application holds the lock in question.
Deadlock event monitor
Deadlock nodein the output of the dbevmon tool.) You can use this information to correlate which applications are causing the contention. The following sample output from the db2evmon tool illustrates this behavior. The information to use for correlating the applications involved in the deadlock is underlined:
5) Deadlock Event ...
Deadlock ID: 1
Deadlock node: 0
Number of applications deadlocked: 2
Deadlock detection time: 12/17/2008 12:01:12.735436
Rolled back Appl participant no: 2
Rolled back Appl Id: *
Rolled back Appl seq number: : 0001
Rolled back Appl handle: 66
6) Connection Header Event ...
Appl Handle: 66
Appl Id: *
Appl Seq number: 00001
DRDA AS Correlation Token: *
Program Name : db2bp
Authorization Id: FINANCE
Execution Id : finance
Codepage Id: 1208
Territory code: 1
Client Process Id: 7201
Client Database Alias: A
Client Product Id: SQL09070
Client Platform: Unknown
Client Communication Protocol: Local
Client Network Name:
Connect timestamp: 12/17/2008 12:00:42.176747
7) Deadlocked Connection ...
Deadlock ID: 1
Deadlock Node: 0
Participant no.: 2
Participant no. holding the lock: 1
Appl Id: *
Appl Seq number: 00001
Appl Id of connection holding the lock: REMOTE_APPLICATION
Lock wait start time: 12/17/2008 12:01:01.607230
Lock Name : 0x02000500040000010000000052
Lock Attributes : 0x00000000
Release Flags : 0x00000000
Lock Count : 0
Hold Count : 0
Current Mode : none
Deadlock detection time: 12/17/2008 12:01:17.730069
Table of lock waited on : T2
Schema of lock waited on : FINANCE
Data partition id for table : 0
Tablespace of lock waited on : USERSPACE1
Type of lock: Row
Mode application requested on lock: NS - Share (CS/RS)
Node lock occurred on: 2
Lock object name: 16777220
Application Handle: 66
Deadlocked Statement:
Type : Dynamic
Operation: Fetch
Section : 201
Creator : NULLID
Package : SQLC2G17
Cursor : SQLCUR201
Cursor was blocking: FALSE
Text : select * from t2
List of Locks:
Database partition : 0
Lock Name : 0x020004000100FFFFFF81000000000052
Lock Attributes : 0x00000008
Release Flags : 0x40000000
Lock Count : 1
Hold Count : 0
Lock Object Name : 8454145
Object Type : Row
Tablespace Name : USERSPACE1
Table Schema : FINANCE
Table Name : T1
Data partition id : 0
Mode : X - Exclusive
Database partition : 0
Lock Name : 0x02000500000000000000000054
Lock Attributes : 0x00000000
Release Flags : 0x00000001
Lock Count : 1
Hold Count : 0
Lock Object Name : 5
Object Type : Table
Tablespace Name : USERSPACE1
Table Schema : FINANCE
Table Name : T2
Data partition id : 0
Mode : IS - Intent Share
Locks Held: 6
Locks in List: 6
Locks Displayed: 6
8) Connection Header Event ...
Appl Handle: 131137
Appl Id: *
Appl Seq number: 00001
DRDA AS Correlation Token: *
Program Name : db2bp
Authorization Id: finance
Execution Id : finance
Codepage Id: 1208
Territory code: 1
Client Process Id: 7260
Client Database Alias: A
Client Product Id: SQL09070
Client Platform: Unknown
Client Communication Protocol: Local
Client Network Name:
Connect timestamp: 12/17/2008 12:00:43.542242
9) Deadlocked Connection ...
Deadlock ID: 1
Deadlock Node: 0
Participant no.: 1
Participant no. holding the lock: 2
Appl Id: *
Appl Seq number: 00001
Appl Id of connection holding the lock: REMOTE_APPLICATION
Lock wait start time: 12/17/2008 12:00:57.844388
Lock Name : 0x020004000100FFFFFF81000000000052
Lock Attributes : 0x00000000
Release Flags : 0x00000000
Lock Count : 0
Hold Count : 0
Current Mode : none
Deadlock detection time: 12/17/2008 12:01:17.744611
Table of lock waited on : T1
Schema of lock waited on : FINANCE
Data partition id for table : 0
Tablespace of lock waited on : USERSPACE1
Type of lock: Row
Mode application requested on lock: NS - Share (CS/RS)
Node lock occurred on: 0
Lock object name: 8454145
Application Handle: 131137
Deadlocked Statement:
Type : Dynamic
Operation: Fetch
Section : 201
Creator : NULLID
Package : SQLC2G17
Cursor : SQLCUR201
Cursor was blocking: FALSE
Text : select * from t1
List of Locks:
Database partition : 2
Lock Name : 0x02000500040000010000000052
Lock Attributes : 0x00000008
Release Flags : 0x40000000
Lock Count : 1
Hold Count : 0
Lock Object Name : 16777220
Object Type : Row
Tablespace Name : USERSPACE1
Table Schema : FINANCE
Table Name : T2
Data partition id : 0
Mode : X - Exclusive
Database partition : 2
Lock Name : 0x02000500000000000000000054
Lock Attributes : 0x00000000
Release Flags : 0x40000000
Lock Count : 1
Hold Count : 0
Lock Object Name : 5
Object Type : Table
Tablespace Name : USERSPACE1
Table Schema : FINANCE
Table Name : T2
Data partition id : 0
Mode : IX - Intent Exclusive
Database partition : 2
Lock Name : 0x02000400000000000000000054
Lock Attributes : 0x00000000
Release Flags : 0x00000001
Lock Count : 1
Hold Count : 0
Lock Object Name : 4
Object Type : Table
Tablespace Name : USERSPACE1
Table Schema : FINANCE
Table Name : T1
Data partition id : 0
Mode : IS - Intent Share
Locks Held: 6
Locks in List: 6
Locks Displayed: 6