TimestampTruncErrToWarning IBM data server driver configuration keyword

Sets the return value for an overflow of fractional seconds in TIMESTAMP.

Equivalent CLI keyword
Equivalent IBM® data server provider for .NET connection string keyword
IBM data server driver configuration file (db2dsdriver.cfg) syntax
<parameter name="TimestampTruncErrToWarning" value="0 | 1"/>
Default setting:
The overflow of fractional seconds in TIMESTAMP results in an error (SQLSTATE 22007).
Usage notes:
The TimestampTruncErrToWarning keyword controls whether the overflow of fractional seconds in TIMESTAMP results in an error (SQLSTATE 22007) or a warning (SQLSTATE 01S07).
Set TimestampTruncErrToWarning as follows:
  • 0 - to return the default error (SQLSTATE 22007)
  • 1 - to return the warning (SQLSTATE 01S07)