db2dumpSQLCodes IBM data server driver configuration keyword
Specifies whether
diagnostic logs are gathered when specified SQLCODEs are encountered
in a connection to the Db2® for z/OS® server.
- Equivalent CLI keyword
- Not available.
- Equivalent IBM® data server provider for .NET connection string keyword
- db2dumpSQLCodes
- IBM data server driver configuration file (db2dsdriver.cfg) syntax
<parameter name="db2dumpSQLCodes" value="'DEFAULT' | 'OFF' | Absolute SQLCODE1 value, Absolute SQLCODE2 value, ..."/>
- Default setting:
- The default value is 'OFF'.
- Usage notes:
- You can enable a mechanism to capture diagnostic information on the first occurrence of an SQL
error event in the connection to the Db2 for z/OS server with the
db2dumpSQLCodes keyword. When you set the db2dumpSQLCodes
keyword to a 'DEFAULT' or list of SQLCODEs, the following diagnostic information is written to a log
file on the occurrence of a specified SQLCODE event.
- Sysplex configuration information
- Sysplex member statistics
- Sysplex group statistics
- Connection details that include the connection state and the process state
- Client information properties that are explicitly set1
- Code page information that is related to the connection.
- Monitoring information like Application ID, Handle, and External Name (EXTNAM) of server.
- SQL statement, Attributes, package information (If error occurs while SQL is running).
- Application binding information (If any).
- Result-set and Parameter description (If any).
- XA information (If it is an XA connection).
- SSL information (if the connection is SSL).
- Application type and phase of the SQL execution that developed the error.
The diagnostic log files are placed in the clientrecords subdirectory under the diagnostic data directory path (diagpath).
You must ensure that the diagnostic log files in the clientrecords subdirectory are deleted regularly to free up disk space on your system.The db2dumpSQLCodes keyword setting can also be set dynamically without restarting the application when CfgRefreshInterval keyword is set to any valid value.
- A special value that is equivalent to setting the following absolute SQLCODE values.
- 30108 for the SQL30108N error
- 20542 for the SQL20542N error
- 1224 for the SQL1224N error
- 'OFF'
- No diagnostic information is logged.
- Absolute SQLCODE values
- Absolute SQLCODE values that are separated by comma. Only the absolute SQLCODE values can be
specified. The following sample IBM data server driver
configuration file entry lists SQL30108N and SQL20542N for the db2dumpSQLCodes
<parameter name=”db2dumpSQLCodes” value=”30108,20542"/>
1 The default values of configuration
parameters are not logged.