ClientCorrelationToken IBM data server driver configuration keyword

The ClientCorrelationToken keyword sets the client correlation token that is sent to Db2® for z/OS® servers.
Equivalent CLI keyword
Equivalent IBM® data server provider for .NET connection string keyword
IBM data server driver configuration file (db2dsdriver.cfg) syntax
<parameter name="clientCorrelationToken" value="client correlation token"/>
Default setting:
The default value is the DRDA correlation token that is generated during a connection. A database client typically generates the DRDA correlation token value. However, if the database client cannot generate the value, the database server generates the value.
Usage notes:
  • You can specify the ClientCorrelationToken keyword when you are connecting to Db2 for z/OS Version 11 server in new function mode (NFM).
  • Db2 for z/OS servers set the CURRENT CLIENT_CORR_TOKEN special register with the ClientCorrelationToken keyword value.
  • Db2 for z/OS servers remove trailing spaces that are specified in the ClientCorrelationToken keyword value.
  • There is no monitoring support for the client correlation token value in the Db2 Connect gateway server.
  • The ClientCorrelationToken keyword value is sent to the server without any client side validation.
  • The character string that is provided for the ClientCorrelationToken keyword must be null terminated.
  • The ClientCorrelationToken keyword has a limit of 255 characters.
  • The ClientCorrelationToken keyword is replayed upon connection failover when the automatic client reroute (ACR) feature and the workload balance (WLB) feature are enabled.

A client sends the default client information register values to the Db2 for z/OS server when they are not explicitly set by the user. The default CURRENT CLIENT_CORR_TOKEN special register value is the DRDA correlation token that is generated during a connection. The SQLGetConnectAttr() function and the sqleqryi API can return the default value only when the enableDefaultClientInfo keyword is set to True in the IBM data server driver configuration file.