Replicated materialized query tables in partitioned database environments
Replicated materialized query tables (MQTs) improve the performance of frequently executed joins in a partitioned database environment by allowing the database to manage precomputed values of the table data.
Note that a replicated MQT in this context pertains to intra-database replication. Inter-database replication is concerned with subscriptions, control tables, and data that is located in different databases and on different operating systems.
- The SALES table is in a multi-partition table space named REGIONTABLESPACE, and is split on the REGION column.
- The EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT tables are in a single-partition database partition group.
create table r_employee as (
select empno, firstnme, midinit, lastname, workdept
from employee
data initially deferred refresh immediate
in regiontablespace
refresh table r_employee
using the REFRESH statement, you should invoke the runstats utility
against the replicated table, as you would against any other table. select d.mgrno, e.empno, sum(s.sales)
from department as d, employee as e, sales as s
s.sales_person = e.lastname and
e.workdept = d.deptno
group by rollup(d.mgrno, e.empno)
order by d.mgrno, e.empno
Instead of using the EMPLOYEE table, which resides on only one database partition, the database manager uses R_EMPLOYEE, the MQT that is replicated on each of the database partitions on which the SALES table is stored. The performance enhancement occurs because the employee information does not have to be moved across the network to each database partition when performing the join.
Replicated materialized query tables in collocated joins
Replicated MQTs can also assist in the collocation of joins. For example, if a star schema contains a large fact table that is spread across twenty database partitions, the joins between the fact table and the dimension tables are most efficient if these tables are collocated. If all of the tables are in the same database partition group, at most one dimension table is partitioned correctly for a collocated join. The other dimension tables cannot be used in a collocated join, because the join columns in the fact table do not correspond to the distribution key for the fact table.
a table named FACT (C1, C2, C3, ...), split on C1; a table named DIM1
(C1, dim1a, dim1b, ...), split on C1; a table named DIM2 (C2, dim2a,
dim2b, ...), split on C2; and so on. In this case, the join between
FACT and DIM1 is perfect, because the predicate dim1.c1 =
is collocated. Both of these tables are split on
column C1.
However, the join involving DIM2 and the predicate dim2.c2
= fact.c2
cannot be collocated, because FACT is split on
column C1, not on column C2. In this case, you could replicate DIM2
in the database partition group of the fact table so that the join
occurs locally on each database partition.
When you create a replicated MQT, the source table can be a single-partition table or a multi-partition table in a database partition group. In most cases, the replicated table is small and can be placed in a single-partition database partition group. You can limit the data that is to be replicated by specifying only a subset of the columns from the table, or by restricting the number of qualifying rows through predicates.
A replicated MQT can also be created in a multi-partition database partition group, so that copies of the source table are created on all of the database partitions. Joins between a large fact table and the dimension tables are more likely to occur locally in this environment, than if you broadcast the source table to all database partitions.
Indexes on replicated tables are not created automatically. You can create indexes that are different from those on the source table. However, to prevent constraints violations that are not present in the source table, you cannot create unique indexes or define constraints on replicated tables, even if the same constraints occur on the source table.
Replicated tables can be referenced directly in a query, but you cannot use the DBPARTITIONNUM scalar function with a replicated table to see the table data on a particular database partition.
Use the Db2® explain facility to determine whether a replicated MQT was used by the access plan for a query. Whether or not the access plan that is chosen by the optimizer uses a replicated MQT depends on the data that is to be joined. A replicated MQT might not be used if the optimizer determines that it would be cheaper to broadcast the original source table to the other database partitions in the database partition group.