Sample response files (Linux, UNIX, and Windows)

You can use the sample response files to install or uninstall Db2® products, features, and languages. The Db2 installation DVD includes ready-to-use sample response files with default entries.

The sample response files are found in the db2/platform/samples directory, where platform refers to the appropriate hardware platform.
Note: The product keywords namely, ENTERPRISE_SERVER_EDITION and ADVANCED_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_EDITION are no longer available in the sample response files. Also, the product keyword value for Db2 Enterprise Server Edition and Db2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition, is specified as DB2_SERVER_EDITION.
The following table provides the sample response files that are available for installation of Db2 products on Linux® and UNIX operating systems
Table 1. Sample response files for installation of Db2 products on Linux and UNIX operating systems
Action Db2 product Sample response file location Link
Install Data Server Client db2/platform/samples/db2client.rsp db2client

Db2 Enterprise Server Edition, and Db2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition

db2/platform/samples/db2server.rsp db2server
Note: The response file db2server.rsp is common for Db2 Enterprise Server Edition, and Db2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition.
Install Data Server Runtime Client db2/platform/samples/db2rtcl.rsp db2rtcl
Uninstall All products db2/platform/samples/db2un.rsp db2un
Table 2. Sample response files for installation of Db2 products on Windows operating systems
Action Db2 product Sample response file location Link
Install Data Server Client db2/platform/samples/db2client.rsp db2client

Db2 Enterprise Server Edition, and Db2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition.

db2/platform/samples/db2server.rsp db2server
Note: The response file db2server.rsp is common for Db2 Enterprise Server Edition, and Db2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition.
Install Db2 Fix Pack db2/platform/samples/db2fixpk.rsp db2fixpk
Uninstall All products db2/platform/samples/db2un.rsp db2un