Db2 pureScale Feature configuration parameters

For the IBM® Db2 pureScale Feature, there are several configuration parameters to support members and the cluster caching facility, also known as CF. These database configuration parameters are divided into global and per-member parameters.

Db2 pureScale Feature database manager configuration parameters

The following table lists the database manager configuration parameters for the cluster caching facility. The database manager configuration parameters apply to instance level configuration.

Table 1. Summary of the Db2 pureScale Feature database manager configuration parameters
Parameter name Details
cf_diaglevel Specifies the level of diagnostic errors that are recorded in the cfdiag.log file.
cf_diagpath Specifies the directory that contains the CF diagnostic log file that are generated based on the value of the cf_diaglevel parameter.
cf_mem_sz Determines the total memory used by the CF. The value must be less than the amount of physical memory on the CF host.
cf_num_conns Determines the initial size of the CF connection pool.
cf_num_workers Determines how many worker threads are started by the CF server. The value is typically less than or equal to the number of CPUs on the CF server.
cf_transport_method Controls what method is used for communication between Db2 members and the CF.

Db2 pureScale Feature database configuration parameters

The following table lists the database configuration parameters for the cluster caching facility. The database configuration parameters apply to database level configuration.
Note: The CF database configuration parameter cf_db_mem_sz applies at a database wide level. The remaining CF database configuration parameters apply to the structure level and have an upper limit determined by cf_db_mem_sz. For more information about the relationship between database configuration parameters, see the topic "Configuring cluster caching facility memory for a database."
Table 2. Summary of the Db2 pureScale Feature global database configuration parameters
Parameter name Details
cf_catchup_trgt Determines the target time in minutes for completing the catch up to bring a newly added or newly restarted CF into peer state with an existing primary CF.
cf_db_mem_sz Determines the total CF memory limit for the current database.
cf_gbp_sz Determines the total memory size allocated by the CF for the group buffer pool for the current database.
cf_lock_sz Determines the total memory size allocated by the CF for the lock structure for the current database.
cf_sca_sz Determines the total memory size allocated by the CF for the shared communication area for the current database.

The following Db2 database configuration parameters are designated as global database configuration parameters for the Db2 pureScale Feature. For more information about global database configuration parameters see the Configuration parameters that affect the Db2 pureScale Feature topic.

Table 3. Configurable global database configuration parameters
Parameter Additional Information
alt_collate alt_collate - Alternate collating sequence configuration parameter
archretrydelay archretrydelay - Archive retry delay on error configuration parameter
auto_del_rec_obj auto_del_rec_obj - Automated deletion of recovery objects configuration parameter
  • auto_maint
  • auto_db_backup
  • auto_tbl_maint
  • auto_runstats
  • auto_stmt_stats
  • auto_reorg
auto_maint - Automatic maintenance configuration parameter
autorestart autorestart - Auto restart enable configuration parameter
decflt_rounding decflt_rounding - Decimal floating point rounding configuration parameter
dec_arithmetic dec_arithmetic - DECIMAL arithmetic mode configuration parameter
dft_extent_sz dft_extent_sz - Default extent size of table spaces configuration parameter
dft_mttb_types dft_mttb_types - Default maintained table types for optimization configuration parameter
dft_prefetch_sz dft_prefetch_sz - Default prefetch size configuration parameter
dft_refresh_age dft_refresh_age - Default refresh age configuration parameter
dft_sqlmathwarn dft_sqlmathwarn - Continue upon arithmetic exceptions configuration parameter
dlchktime dlchktime - Time interval for checking deadlock configuration parameter
enable_xmlchar enable_xmlchar - Enable conversion to XML configuration parameter
failarchpath failarchpath - Failover log archive path configuration parameter
hadr_remote_host hadr_remote_host - HADR remote host name configuration parameter
hadr_remote_inst hadr_remote_inst - HADR instance name of the remote server configuration parameter
hadr_replay_delay hadr_replay_delay - HADR replay delay configuration parameter
hadr_spool_limit hadr_spool_limit - HADR log spool limit configuration parameter
hadr_syncmode hadr_syncmode - HADR synchronization mode for log write in peer state configuration parameter
hadr_target_list hadr_target_list - HADR target list database configuration parameter
hadr_timeout hadr_timeout - HADR timeout value configuration parameter
indexrec indexrec - Index re-creation time configuration parameter
locktimeout locktimeout - Lock timeout configuration parameter
logarchmeth1 logarchmeth1 - Primary log archive method configuration parameter
logarchmeth2 logarchmeth2 - Secondary log archive method configuration parameter
logarchopt1 logarchopt1 - Primary log archive options configuration parameter
logarchopt2 logarchopt2 - Secondary log archive options configuration parameter
logfilsiz logfilsiz - Size of log files configuration parameter
logprimary logprimary - Number of primary log files configuration parameter
logsecond logsecond - Number of secondary log files configuration parameter
min_dec_div_3 (deprecated) min_dec_div_3 - Decimal division scale to 3 configuration parameter
mirrorlogpath mirrorlogpath - Mirror log path configuration parameter
mon_act_metrics mon_act_metrics - Monitoring activity metrics configuration parameter
mon_deadlock mon_deadlock - Monitoring deadlock configuration parameter
mon_locktimeout mon_locktimeout - Monitoring lock timeout configuration parameter
mon_lockwait mon_lockwait - Monitoring lock wait configuration parameter
mon_lw_thresh mon_lw_thresh - Monitoring lock wait threshold configuration parameter
mon_obj_metrics mon_obj_metrics - Monitoring object metrics configuration parameter
mon_req_metrics mon_req_metrics - Monitoring request metrics configuration parameter
mon_uow_data mon_uow_data - Monitoring unit of work events configuration parameter
nchar_mapping nchar_mapping - National character mapping configuration parameter
newlogpath newlogpath - Change the database log path configuration parameter
num_db_backups num_db_backups - Number of database backups configuration parameter
num_freqvalues num_freqvalues - Number of frequent values retained configuration parameter
numarchretry numarchretry - Number of retries on error configuration parameter
overflowlogpath overflowlogpath - Overflow log path configuration parameter
page_age_trgt_gcr page_age_trgt_gcr - Page age target group crash recovery configuration parameter
page_age_trgt_mcr page_age_trgt_mcr - Page age target member crash recovery configuration parameter
rec_his_retentn rec_his_retentn - Recovery history retention period configuration parameter
seqdetect seqdetect - Sequential detection flag configuration parameter
softmax (deprecated) softmax - Recovery range and soft checkpoint interval configuration parameter
string_units string_units - Default string units configuration parameter
trackmod trackmod - Track modified pages enable configuration parameter
vendoropt vendoropt - Vendor options configuration parameter
Important: The softmax database configuration parameter is deprecated and might be removed in a future release. For more information, see Some database configuration parameters are deprecated.

The following Db2 database configuration parameters are designated as per-member database configuration parameters for the Db2 pureScale Feature. For more information about per-member database configuration parameters see the Configuration parameters that affect the Db2 pureScale Feature topic.

Table 4. Configurable Per-member Database Configuration Parameters
Parameter Additional Information
applheapsz applheapsz - Application heap size configuration parameter
appl_memory appl_memory - Application Memory configuration parameter
auto_reval auto_reval - Automatic revalidation and invalidation configuration parameter
avg_appls avg_appls - Average number of active applications configuration parameter
blk_log_dsk_ful blk_log_dsk_ful - Block on log disk full configuration parameter
blocknonlogged blocknonlogged - Block creation of tables that allow non-logged activity configuration parameter
catalogcache_sz catalogcache_sz - Catalog cache size configuration parameter
chngpgs_thresh chngpgs_thresh - Changed pages threshold configuration parameter
connect_proc connect_proc - Connect procedure name database configuration parameter
cur_commit cur_commit - Currently committed configuration parameter
database_memory database_memory - Database shared memory size configuration parameter
dbheap dbheap - Database heap configuration parameter
db_mem_thresh db_mem_thresh - Database memory threshold configuration parameter
dec_to_char_fmt dec_to_char_fmt - Decimal to character function configuration parameter
dft_degree dft_degree - Default degree configuration parameter
dft_loadrec_ses dft_loadrec_ses - Default number of load recovery sessions configuration parameter
dft_queryopt dft_queryopt - Default query optimization class configuration parameter
hadr_local_host hadr_local_host - HADR local host name configuration parameter
hadr_local_svc hadr_local_svc - HADR local service name configuration parameter
locklist locklist - Maximum storage for lock list configuration parameter
locktimeout locktimeout - Lock timeout configuration parameter
logbufsz logbufsz - Log buffer size configuration parameter
logindexbuild logindexbuild - Log index pages created configuration parameter
max_log max_log - Maximum log per transaction configuration parameter
maxappls maxappls - Maximum number of active applications configuration parameter
maxfilop maxfilop - Maximum database files open per application configuration parameter
maxlocks maxlocks - Maximum percent of lock list before escalation configuration parameter
mon_act_metrics mon_act_metrics - Monitoring activity metrics configuration parameter
mon_deadlock mon_deadlock - Monitoring deadlock configuration parameter
mon_locktimeout mon_locktimeout - Monitoring lock timeout configuration parameter
mon_lockwait mon_lockwait - Monitoring lock wait configuration parameter
mon_lw_thresh mon_lw_thresh - Monitoring lock wait threshold configuration parameter
mon_obj_metrics mon_obj_metrics - Monitoring object metrics configuration parameter
mon_req_metrics mon_req_metrics - Monitoring request metrics configuration parameter
mon_uow_data mon_uow_data - Monitoring unit of work events configuration parameter
num_iocleaners num_iocleaners - Number of asynchronous page cleaners configuration parameter
num_ioservers num_ioservers - Number of I/O servers configuration parameter
num_log_span num_log_span - Number log span configuration parameter
num_quantiles num_quantiles - Number of quantiles for columns configuration parameter
numarchretry numarchretry - Number of retries on error configuration parameter
pckcachesz pckcachesz - Package cache size configuration parameter
self_tuning_mem self_tuning_mem- Self-tuning memory configuration parameter
sheapthres_shr sheapthres_shr - Sort heap threshold for shared sorts configuration parameter
sortheap sortheap - Sort heap size configuration parameter
stat_heap_sz stat_heap_sz - Statistics heap size configuration parameter
stmt_conc stmt_conc - Statement concentrator configuration parameter
stmtheap stmtheap - Statement heap size configuration parameter
tsm_mgmtclass tsm_mgmtclass - Tivoli Storage Manager management class configuration parameter
tsm_nodename tsm_nodename - Tivoli Storage Manager node name configuration parameter
tsm_owner tsm_owner - Tivoli Storage Manager owner name configuration parameter
tsm_password tsm_password - Tivoli Storage Manager password configuration parameter
util_heap_sz util_heap_sz - Utility heap size configuration parameter
wlm_collect_int wlm_collect_int - Workload management collection interval configuration parameter