You can drop non-root thin server instances locally on
a code server and on a remote server in a thin server instance environment.
To drop non-root thin server instances:
- Log in to the code server as non-root user and ensure that
the default instance that was created during non-root installation
on the code server, is running and not dropped.
- Drop non-root thin server instances by performing one of
the following set of substeps:
- To drop the non-root thin server instance that was created
locally on the code server, perform the following substeps:
- Log in to the code server as the user who owns the thin server
- Stop the instance on the code server by issuing the db2stop command.
- From the remote server, change directory to
the instance directory:
cd /home/db2inst2/sqllib/instance
where, /home/db2inst2 is the home directory
of the user db2inst2 who owns the local instance
on the code server.
- Run the db2idrop command:
- To drop the non-root thin server instance on the remote server,
perform the following substeps:
- Log in to the remote server as a non-root user who owns the non-root
thin server instance.
- Stop the instance on the remote server by issuing the db2stop command.
- Change directory to the instance directory:
cd /home/db2inst3/sqllib/instance
where, db2inst3 is
the instance owner on the remote server, and /home/db2inst3 is
the home directory of the instance owner on the remote server.
- Run the db2idrop command: