Computational partition group optimization choices

The computationalPartitionGroupOptimizationChoices group defines a set of elements that can be used to influence computational partition group optimization. In particular, these elements can be used to enable or disable computational group optimization, or to specify the partition group that is to be used for computational partition group optimization.

XML Schema

   <xs:group name="computationalPartitionGroupOptimizationChoices">
         <xs:element name="PARTOPT" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
               <xs:attribute name="OPTION" type="optionType" use="optional"/>
         <xs:element name="PART" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
               <xs:attribute name="NAME" type="xs:string" use="required"/>


The PARTOPT element is used to enable or disable consideration of computational partition group optimization. The OPTION attribute can take the value ENABLE (default) or DISABLE.

The PART element can be used to specify the partition group that is to be used for computational partition group optimization. The NAME attribute must identify an existing partition group. The decision to perform dynamic redistribution using the specified partition group remains a cost-based decision.


The following example shows how to disable computational partition group optimization.
The following example shows how to specify that the WORKPART partition group is to be used for computational partition group optimization.
      <MQT NAME='Samp.PARTSMQT'/>