Use the new parameters in the installFixPack command to update an
existing Db2
to a new version 12.1 fix
pack level.
Before you begin
- Ensure that you meet all of the requirements before you install a fix pack. Refer to Preparing to install a fix pack.
- Ensure that you are logged in as root.
- Issue db2stop
About this task
This task uses the new capabilities of the installFixPack command to
update an existing Db2
pureScale instance to the
latest fix pack in offline mode. These new capabilities simplify the process of updating the
instances and automate the update of additional software components. To update the cluster for a
instance, specify the instance name in the enhanced installFixPack command.
To update an existing Db2
pureScale instance to a new
fix pack level:
- Install the new fix pack level on all hosts in the Db2
pureScale instance by
issuing the installFixPack command from the fix pack installation media
The media directory must be accessible to the root and the instance user from all
the members, secondary CF and primary CF. For example, to update to Fix Pack 1, issue the
installFixPack command on each host as
media-dir/installFixPack -p FP-install-path -I InstName -offline -l install-log-file -t trace-file-name
FP-install-path is the directory where you want to install the fix pack and
media-dir is the directory where you extracted the fix pack image.
FP-install-path must be the same on all hosts.Note: The
installFixPack command must be run sequentially on each host; the command cannot be run
concurrently or in parallel.
- Run the db2instance -list command to ensure that the cluster is in a
consistent state. If there are any alerts of inconsistent state in the cluster, refresh the resource
model as the instance owner:
db2cluster -cm -repair -resources
- Determine whether the offline fix pack update was successful in
all members and CFs.
For example, to verify the update to Fix Pack 1, issue the
installFixPack command as
media-dir/installFixPack -check_commit -I instance-name -t trace-file-name
-l check-commit-log-dir
the command output shows any problems, fix them before you continue with the next step
Note: You
can run your workloads for the new fix pack before committing to it, in order to validate its
functionality. If this validation is not satisfactory, you can cancel the new fix pack update, and
move back to the previous fix pack. For more information, see
Canceling online fix pack updates.
Commit the DB2® instance to the new level. For example, to
commit the update to Fix Pack 1, issue the installFixPack command as
media-dir/installFixPack -commit_level -I InstName -l commit-log-dir
media-dir is the
directory where you extracted the fix pack image.
- Start the database manager in all members and CFs by issuing the db2start
instance command in each host as follows:
su - InstName
db2start instance on host-name
InstName represents the instance owner name.
- Start the database manager for the instance by issuing the db2start
command as follows:
su - InstName
InstName represents the instance owner
To uninstall the previously installed Db2 copy, run the
db2_deinstall command:
DB2DIR/install/db2_deinstall -a
DB2DIR is the installation path of the previously installed Db2 copy.