Uninstalling a Db2 database product, feature, or language using a response file (Linux and UNIX)

To silently uninstall Db2 database products, features, or languages in a Db2 copy, use the db2_deinstall command with the -r option.

About this task

You can also use a response file to uninstall the Db2 Information Center.

If you have Db2 database products installed in various installation paths, you must run this command separately from each installation path. Sample response file, db2un.rsp, is in DB2DIR/install, where DB2DIR specifies the path where the Db2 database product was installed.


To perform an uninstallation:

  1. Customize the db2un.rsp response file. To activate an item in the response file, remove the asterisk (*) to the left of the keyword. Then, replace the current setting to the right of the value with the new setting. The possible settings are listed to the right of the equal sign.
  2. Run the db2_deinstall command. For example, db2_deinstall -r db2un.rsp.
  3. Check the messages in the log file when the uninstallation finishes.
    The log file is located in:
    • For root installations: /tmp/db2_deinstall.log.process-id
    • For non-root installations: /tmp/db2_deinstall_user-id.log