Reducing the size of your Db2 product installation image

You can use the db2iprune command to reduce the size of a Db2 database product installation image.

About this task

This tool is useful for large-scale deployments of the Db2 database product, and for embedding Db2 within an application. The db2iprune utility removes the files associated with those features and languages based on an input file. The input file (.prn file) allows you to specify which features and languages you want to remove from the installation image. The result is a new, smaller Db2 installation image that can be installed using the regular Db2 installation methods. Reducing the size of an installation image is also referred to as pruning the installation image.

Be aware of the following restrictions before proceeding with pruning an image:
  • Some components have dependency. A component can be pruned only if there is no other component not being pruned that depends on it. For example, INFORMIX_DATA_SOURCE_SUPPORT depends on DB2_DATA_SOURCE_SUPPORT. Either INFORMIX_DATA_SOURCE_SUPPORT or both INFORMIX_DATA_SOURCE_SUPPORT and DB2_DATA_SOURCE_SUPPORT can be pruned, but DB2_DATA_SOURCE_SUPPORT cannot be pruned and leave INFORMIX_DATA_SOURCE_SUPPORT in the image.
  • Products can be removed, but at least one product must be left.
  • English language cannot be removed.
  • On Linux® and UNIX operating systems, a language can be pruned in either of the following ways:
    • you can run the db2iprune command from the Db2 National Language Pack (NLPACK), where the NLPACK can be anywhere. In this case, only languages can be pruned from inside the NLPACK.
    • you can run the db2iprune command from the Db2 database product DVD. In this case, if NLPACK is a subdirectory, you can prune languages, and. products or components or both, in one execution of the db2iprune command.


To reduce the size of your Db2 database product installation image:

  1. Create a customized input file using the sample input file (.prn file) located in the db2/plat/utilities/db2iprune/ directory on the product DVD or downloaded image as a base. You can remove the * to uncomment that particular line. You can also specify these keywords:
    Specifies the Db2 database product to remove. This keyword is optional. More than one Db2 database product can be removed at a time, but at least one product must remain in the installation image. For example, use
    PRUNE_PROD            = CLIENT
    to prune the IBM® Data Server Client.
    Specifies the Db2 component to remove. This keyword is optional. More than one Db2 component can be removed at a time. When a component is removed, the specified component is removed from all applicable products. For example, use
    PRUNE_COMP           = FIRST_STEPS
    to prune First Steps.
    Specifies the installed language to remove. The English language is mandatory and cannot be removed. This keyword is optional. More than one language can be removed at a time. All languages except English are removed by specifying PRUNE_LANG=all. When a language is removed, the specified language is removed from all applicable products. For example, use
    PRUNE_LANG            = CZ
    to prune the Czech language.
    Linux and UNIX operating systems only. Specifies that IBM Tivoli® System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) is to be removed from the installation image.
    On Windows operating systems only. Specifies that IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio is to be removed from the installation image.
  2. From the command line, run the db2iprune command.
    For information about the command parameters, see db2iprune - Reduce installation image size command.


You can use any of the regular Db2 installation methods to install and maintain a pruned Db2 installation image:
Db2 Setup Wizard installation
For a typical installation, the regular typical components for that product are installed without the components removed by the db2iprune command.

For a compact installation, the regular compact components for that product are installed without the components removed by the db2iprune command.

For a custom installation, only the remaining components are displayed in the feature selection panel. The components removed by the db2iprune command are not displayed as optional components to install. However, on Linux and UNIX operating systems, the removed languages will still be displayed in the language selection panel. In this case, ensure that you do not select a language that has been removed from the image using the db2iprune command; if you select a language that has been removed, you will receive an error message.

Response file installation
If you plan to use a response file for an unattended installation, ensure that you specify only the languages and features available in the Db2 pruned installation image. If you select a component that has been removed, you will get an error message.
Fix pack installation
Since Windows Db2 fix packs are full installation images, the db2iprune command can be used with fix pack images. The fix pack application process is the same for full and pruned images. When the Db2 fix pack is installed, it detects and updates only the components that were installed and ignores any components that are not installed. If the db2iprune command is used with a fix pack image, ensure that the fix pack image contains all of the components that were initially installed. If the fix pack image does not contain all the installed components, you will receive an error about missing files when the fix pack application is attempted.