Cleaning up an incomplete Db2 pureScale instance drop

When the db2idrop command has failed to completely drop the instance, you must complete the clean up of a Db2 pureScale instance.


To clean up an incomplete Db2 pureScale instance drop:

  1. Remove the RSCT Peer Domain (PD) forcefully:
    • Try to run rmrpdomain -f domain_name.
    If you do not know what the domain name is, run lsrpdomain and look for the domain name under the Name column.
    $ lsrpdomain
    Name      OpState RSCTActiveVersion MixedVersions TSPort GSPort 
    db2domain Online           No            12347  12348  
  2. Clean up the Db2 cluster file system.
    For more information about cleaning up the Db2 cluster file system, see Manually cleaning a DB2® managed clustered file system.
  3. Clean up $HOME/sqllib for the instance user on all hosts.
  4. Clean up the entries in /etc/services for the Db2 pureScale instance user.
  5. Remove instance signature
    installed_path/instance/db2iset -d instance_name
  6. Remove following global registries on all hosts:

    For example

    installed_path/bin/db2greg -delvarrec service=GPFS_CLUSTER,variable=NAME,installpath=-

    installed_path/bin/db2greg -delvarrec service=PEER_DOMAIN,variable=NAME,installpath=-

    installed_path/bin/db2greg -delvarrec service=DEFAULT_INSTPROF,variable=DEFAULT,installpath=-

    installed_path/bin/db2greg -delvarrec service=INSTPROF,variable=<instance name>,installpath=-