Use this stored procedure to replace missing values in the input data with substituted
Note: This feature is available starting from Db2®
version 11.5.4.
The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include the IDAX_USER role.
IDAX.IMPUTE_DATA(in parameter_string varchar(32672))
- parameter_string
- Mandatory one-string parameter that contains pairs of
<parameter>=<value> entries that are separated by a comma.
- Data type: VARCHAR(32672)
- The following list shows the parameter values:
- intable
- Mandatory.
- The name of the input table.
- Data type: VARCHAR(256)
- method
- Optional.
- The method of data imputation.
- Allowed values are "mean", "median", "freq", and "replace".
- If this parameter is not specified, the method is "median" for the numeric columns, and "freq"
for the nominal columns.
- If two values have the same frequency, the value that comes first alphabetically is used.
- You must not use the methods "mean" and "median" for nominal columns.
- Default: none
- Data type: VARCHAR(ANY)
- outtable
- Optional.
- The output table that contains the substituted values.
- If this parameter is not specified, the missing values are replaced directly in the input
- Default: none
- Data type: VARCHAR(256)
- inColumn
- Optional.
- The columns of the input table where the missing values must be replaced.
- These columns are separated by a semi-colon (;).
- If this parameter is not specified, all columns of the input data are considered.
- Default: none
- Data type: VARCHAR(128)
- numericValue
- Optional.
- The numeric value of the replacement when the method is "replace".
- Default: -1
- Data type: DOUBLE
- nominalValue
- Optional.
- The nominal value of the replacement when the method is "replace".
- Default: missing
- Data type: VARCHAR(ANY)
- view
- Optional.
- A flag that indicates whether the output object should be stored as a view (true) or as a table
- Default: false
- Data type: BOOLEAN
INTEGER the number of attributes where data was updated.
CREATE TABLE MISS(id int, col float, attr float,data date, class VARCHAR(10));
INSERT INTO MISS VALUES (1,1.4,null,'2017-01-01','white');
INSERT INTO MISS VALUES (2,2.5,random(),null,null);
INSERT INTO MISS VALUES (3,null,random(),'2017-01-01','white');
INSERT INTO MISS VALUES (4,1.4,random(),null,'black');
CALL IDAX.IMPUTE_DATA('intable=MISS, method=replace,numericValue=0,incolumn=col;attr,outtable=NOMISS2');