The CREATE TABLESPACE statement defines a new table space within the database, assigns containers to the table space, and records the table space definition and attributes in the catalog.
This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued interactively. It is an executable statement that can be dynamically prepared only if DYNAMICRULES run behavior is in effect for the package (SQLSTATE 42509).
The privileges that are held by the authorization ID of the statement must include SYSCTRL or SYSADM authority.
- Specifies the type of table space that is to be created. If no
type is specified, the default is determined by the MANAGED BY clause.
- Stores all permanent data. This type is only allowed on database-managed space (DMS) table
spaces. It is also the default type for DMS table spaces when no type is specified. When a table is
placed in a large table space:
- The table can be larger than a table in a regular table space. For more information on table and table space limits, see SQL and XML limits.
- The table can support more than 255 rows per data page, which can improve space utilization on data pages.
- Indexes that are defined on the table will require an extra 2 bytes per row entry, compared to indexes defined on a table that resides in a regular table space.
- Stores all permanent data. This type applies to both DMS and SMS table spaces. This is the only type that is allowed for SMS table spaces, and it is also the default type for SMS table spaces when no type is specified.
- Stores temporary tables, work areas that are used by the database manager to perform operations such as sorts or joins. A database must always have at least one SYSTEM TEMPORARY table space, because temporary tables can only be stored in such a table space. A temporary table space is created automatically when a database is created.
- Stores created temporary tables and declared temporary tables. No user temporary table spaces exist when a database is created. To allow the definition of created temporary tables or declared temporary tables, at least one user temporary table space should be created with appropriate USE privileges.
- Names the table space. This is a one-part name. It is an SQL identifier (either ordinary or delimited). The tablespace-name must not identify a table space that already exists in the catalog (SQLSTATE 42710). The tablespace-name must not begin with the characters 'SYS' (SQLSTATE 42939).
- IN DATABASE PARTITION GROUP db-partition-group-name
- Specifies the database partition group for the table space.
The database partition group must exist. The only database partition
group that can be specified when creating a SYSTEM TEMPORARY table
space is IBMTEMPGROUP. The DATABASE PARTITION GROUP keywords are optional.
If the database partition group is not specified, the default database partition group (IBMDEFAULTGROUP) is used for REGULAR, LARGE, and USER TEMPORARY table spaces. For SYSTEM TEMPORARY table spaces, the default database partition group IBMTEMPGROUP is used.
- PAGESIZE integer [K]
- Defines the size of pages that are used for the table space. The valid values for
integer without the suffix K are 4096, 8192,
16384, or 32768. The valid values for integer
with the suffix K are 4, 8, 16, or
32. Any number of spaces is allowed between integer and K,
including no space. An error occurs if the page size is not one of these values (SQLSTATE 428DE), or
if the page size is not the same as the page size of the buffer pool that is associated with the
table space (SQLSTATE 428CB).
The default value is provided by the pagesize database configuration parameter, which is set when the database is created.
- Specifies
that the table space is to be an automatic storage table space. If no storage groups are defined, an
error is returned (SQLSTATE 55060).
The database manager automatically decides how the automatic storage table space is initially created. Temporary table spaces are initialized as system-managed space (SMS) table space and permanent table spaces are initialized as database-managed space (DMS) table space. When creating a permanent table space and the type of table space is not specified, the default behavior is to create a large table space. With an automatic storage table space, the database manager determines which containers are to be assigned to the table space, based on the storage paths that are associated with the storage group the table space uses.
- storage-group
- Specify the storage group for an automatic storage table space.
- For an automatic storage table space, identifies the storage group for the table space in which the table space data will be stored. If a storagegroup-name is not specified, then the currently designated default storage group is used. This clause only applies to automatic storage table spaces (SQLSTATE 42613). storagegroup-name
- Identifies the storage group in which table space data will be stored. storagegroup-name must identify a storage group that exists at the current server (SQLSTATE 42704). This is a one-part name.
- size-attributes
- Specify the size attributes for an automatic storage table space
or a DMS table space that is not an automatic storage table space.
SMS table spaces are not auto-resizable.
- Specifies whether the auto-resize capability of a DMS table space or an automatic storage table
space is to be enabled. Auto-resizable table spaces automatically increase in size when they become
full. The default is NO for DMS table spaces and YES for automatic storage table spaces.
- NO
- Specifies that the auto-resize capability of a DMS table space or an automatic storage table space is to be disabled.
- Specifies that the auto-resize capability of a DMS table space or an automatic storage table space is to be enabled.
- INITIALSIZE integer K | M | G
- Specifies the initial size, per database partition, of an automatic storage table space. This option is only valid for automatic storage table spaces. The integer value must be followed by K (for kilobytes), M (for megabytes), or G (for gigabytes). The actual value that is used might be slightly smaller than what was specified, because the database manager strives to maintain a consistent size across containers in the table space. Moreover, if the table space is auto-resizable and the initial size is not large enough to contain metadata that must be added to the new table space, the database manager will continue to extend the table space by the value of INCREASESIZE until enough space exists. If the INITIALSIZE clause is not specified, the database manager determines an appropriate value. The value for integer must be at least 48 K.
- Specifies the amount, per database partition, by which a table space that is enabled for
auto-resize will automatically be increased when the table space is full, and a request for space
has been made. The integer value must be followed by:
- PERCENT to specify the amount as a percentage of the table space size at the time that a request for space is made. When PERCENT is specified, the integer value must be between 0 and 100 (SQLSTATE 42615).
- K (for kilobytes), M (for megabytes), or G (for gigabytes) to specify the amount in bytes.
- MAXSIZE integer K | M | G or MAXSIZE NONE
- Specifies the maximum size to which a table space that is enabled
for auto-resize can automatically be increased. If the table space
is auto-resizable, but the MAXSIZE clause is not specified, the default
is NONE.
- Specifies a hard limit on the size, per database partition, to which a DMS table space or an automatic storage table space can automatically be increased. The integer value must be followed by K (for kilobytes), M (for megabytes), or G (for gigabytes). The actual value that is used might be slightly smaller than what was specified, because the database manager strives to maintain consistent growth across containers in the table space.
- Specifies that the table space is to be allowed to grow to file
system capacity, or to the maximum table space size (described in
SQL and XML limits
- Specifies that the table space is to be an SMS table space.
MANAGED BY SYSTEM cannot be specified in a Db2® pureScale® environment (SQLSTATE 42997).
Important: The SMS table space type is deprecated for user-defined permanent table spaces and might be removed in a future release. The SMS table space type is not deprecated for catalog and temporary table spaces. For more information, see SMS permanent table spaces have been deprecated. - system-containers
- Specify the containers for an SMS table space.
- USING container-string, )
- For an SMS table space, identifies one or more containers that will belong to the table space
and in which the table space data will be stored. The container-string cannot
exceed 240 bytes in length.
Each container-string can be an absolute or relative directory name.
The directory name, if not absolute, is relative to the database directory, and can be a path name alias (or symbolic link) to storage that is not physically associated with the database directory. For example, dbdir/work/c1 might be a symbolic link to a separate file system.
If any component of the directory name does not exist, it is created by the database manager. When a table space is dropped, all components created by the database manager are deleted. If the directory identified by container-string exists, it must not contain any files or subdirectories (SQLSTATE 428B2).
The format of container-string depends on the operating system.
Operating system Format of absolute path name Linux®
AIX®An absolute path name begins with a forward slash (/) Windows An absolute directory path name begins with a drive letter and a colon (:) A relative path name on any platform does not begin with an operating system-dependent character.
For file-level protocols, such as NAS and CIFS, remote resources (such as LAN-redirected drives or NFS-mounted file systems) are currently supported only when the following technologies are used:- Network Appliance Filers
- IBM® Network Attached Storage
- NEC iStorage S2100, S2200, or S4100
- NEC Storage NS Series with a database server on WindowsNote: NEC Storage NS Series is supported only with the use of an uninterrupted power supply (UPS); continuous UPS (rather than standby) is recommended.
An NFS-mounted file system on AIX must be mounted in uninterruptible mode using the -o nointr option.
Block-level protocols, such as iSCSI and FCP, are supported by any backend storage that has non-volatile RAM or battery backup. The storage technology must guarantee that successful writes are not lost in the event of failure, such as a power outage.
- Specifies the database partition or partitions on which the containers are created in a partitioned database. If this clause is not specified, then the containers are created on the database partitions in the database partition group that are not explicitly specified in any other on-db-partitions-clauses. For a SYSTEM TEMPORARY table space defined on database partition group IBMTEMPGROUP, when the on-db-partitions-clause is not specified, the containers will also be created on all new database partitions added to the database.
- Specifies that the table space is to be a DMS table space. When the type of table space is not
specified, the default behavior is to create a large table space.
MANAGED BY DATABASE cannot be specified in a Db2 pureScale environment (SQLSTATE 42997).
Important: The DMS table space type is deprecated for user-defined permanent table spaces and might be removed in a future release. The DMS table space type is not deprecated for catalog and temporary table spaces. For more information, see DMS permanent table spaces have been deprecated. - database-containers
- Specify the containers for a DMS table space.
- Introduces a container-clause. container-clause
- Specifies the containers for a DMS table space.
- (FILE|DEVICE container-string' number-of-pages, .)
- For a DMS table space, identifies one or more containers that will belong to the
table space and in which the table space data will be stored. The type of the container (either FILE
or DEVICE) and its size (in PAGESIZE pages) are specified. The size can also be specified as an
integer value followed by K (for kilobytes), M (for megabytes), or G (for gigabytes). If specified
in this way, the floor of the number of bytes divided by the pagesize is used to determine the
number of pages for the container. A mixture of FILE and DEVICE containers can be specified. The
container-string cannot exceed 254 bytes in length.
For a FILE container, container-string must be an absolute or relative file name. The file name, if not absolute, is relative to the database directory. If any component of the directory name does not exist, it is created by the database manager. If the file does not exist, it will be created and initialized to the specified size by the database manager. When a table space is dropped, all components that are created by the database manager are deleted.
Note: If the file exists, it is overwritten, and if it is smaller than specified, it is extended. The file will not be truncated if it is larger than specified.For a DEVICE container, container-string must be a device name. The device must already exist.
Important: The DEVICE container clause is deprecated and might be removed in a future release. An offline RESTORE DATABASE operation with the REDIRECT option can be used to migrate from DEVICE containers to AUTOMATIC STORAGE containers.All containers must be unique across all databases. A container can belong to only one table space. The size of the containers can differ; however, optimal performance is achieved when all containers are the same size. The exact format of container-string depends on the operating system.
For file-level protocols, such as NAS and CIFS, remote resources (such as LAN-redirected drives or NFS-mounted file systems) are currently supported only when the following technologies are used:- Network Appliance Filers
- IBM Network Attached Storage
- NEC iStorage S2100, S2200, or S4100
- NEC Storage NS Series with a database server on WindowsNote: NEC Storage NS Series is supported only with the use of an uninterrupted power supply (UPS); continuous UPS (rather than standby) is recommended.
Block-level protocols, such as iSCSI and FCP, are supported by any backend storage that has non-volatile RAM or battery backup. The storage technology must guarantee that successful writes are not lost in the event of failure, such as a power outage.
- Specifies the database partition or partitions on which the containers are created in a partitioned database. If this clause is not specified, then the containers are created on the database partitions in the database partition group that are not explicitly specified in any other on-db-partitions-clause. For a SYSTEM TEMPORARY table space defined on database partition group IBMTEMPGROUP, when the on-db-partitions-clause is not specified, the containers will also be created on all new database partitions added to the database.
- on-db-partitions-clause
- Specifies the database partitions on which containers are created
in a partitioned database.
- Keywords indicating that individual database partitions are specified.
- Specify a database partition number.
- TO db-partition-number2
- Specify a range of database partition numbers. The value of db-partition-number2 must be greater than or equal to the value of db-partition-number1 (SQLSTATE 428A9). Containers are to be created on each database partition between and including the specified values. A specified database partition must be in the database partition group for the table space.
The database partition specified by number, and every database partition within the specified range of database partitions must exist in the database partition group for the table space (SQLSTATE 42729). A database partition number can only appear explicitly or within a range in exactly one on-db-partitions-clause for the statement (SQLSTATE 42613).
- EXTENTSIZE number-of-pages
- Specifies the number of PAGESIZE pages that will be written to a container before skipping to
the next container. The extent size value can also be specified as an integer value followed by K
(for kilobytes) or M (for megabytes). If specified in this way, the floor of the number of bytes
divided by the page size is used to determine the value for the extent size. The database manager
cycles repeatedly through the containers as data is
In a Db2 pureScale environment, you should use an extent size of at least 32 pages. This minimum extent size reduces the amount of internal message traffic within the Db2 pureScale environment when extents are added for a table or index.
The default value is provided by the dft_extent_sz database configuration parameter, which has a valid range of 2-256 pages.
- Specifies to read in data that is needed by a query before it is referenced by the query, so
that the query does not need to wait for I/O to be performed.
The default value is provided by the dft_prefetch_sz database configuration parameter.
- Specifies that the
prefetch size of a table space is to be updated automatically; that is, the prefetch size will be
managed by the database manager.
The prefetch size will be updated automatically whenever the number of containers in a table space changes (following successful execution of an ALTER TABLESPACE statement that adds or drops one or more containers). The prefetch size is also automatically updated at database startup.
- Specifies the number of PAGESIZE pages that will be read from the table space when data prefetching is being performed. The maximum value is 32767.
- integer K | M
- Specifies the prefetch size value as an integer value followed by K (for kilobytes) or M (for megabytes). If specified in this way, the floor of the number of bytes divided by the page size is used to determine the number of pages value for prefetch size.
- BUFFERPOOL bufferpool-name
- The name of the buffer pool that is used for tables in this table space. The buffer pool must exist (SQLSTATE 42704). Furthermore, it must exist prior to the start of the transaction containing the CREATE TABLESPACE statement. If the buffer pool is created in the same UOW as the table space, it is not available to use. Instead, the table space will use the small system buffer pool with the matching page size. If not specified, the default buffer pool (IBMDEFAULTBP) is used. The page size of the buffer pool must match the page size specified (or defaulted) for the table space (SQLSTATE 428CB). The database partition group of the table space must be defined for the buffer pool (SQLSTATE 42735).
- OVERHEAD number-of-milliseconds or OVERHEAD INHERIT
- Specifies
the I/O controller overhead and disk seek and latency time. This value is used to determine the cost
of I/O during query optimization. If OVERHEAD is not specified for a non-automatic storage table
space, the value defaults to the database creation default described later in the description for
this keyword. If OVERHEAD is not specified for an automatic storage table space, the default is to
INHERIT the value from the storage group it is using. If the OVERHEAD value at the storage group is
undefined, the OVERHEAD defaults to the database creation default. For more information on tuning,
refer to Table
space impact on query optimization.
- The value of number-of-milliseconds is any numeric literal (integer, decimal, or floating point). If this value is not the same for all containers, the number should be the average for all containers that belong to the table space.
- If INHERIT is specified, the table space must be defined by using automatic storage and the OVERHEAD is dynamically inherited from the storage group. INHERIT cannot be specified if the table space is not defined by using automatic storage (SQLSTATE 42613).
For a database that was created in Db2 version 10.1 or later, the default I/O controller overhead and disk seek and latency time for 4 KB PAGESIZE table space is 6.725 milliseconds.
For a database that was upgraded from a previous version of Db2 to Db2 version 10.1 or later, the default I/O controller overhead and disk seek and latency time is as follows:- 7.5 milliseconds for a database that is created in Db2 version 9.7 or higher
- Specifies whether I/O operations are to be cached at the file system level or
non-cached by using direct I/O. If neither option is specified, the I/O mode is determined based on
operating system, file system, and in the case of SMS table spaces, data object type. For more
information, see File system caching
configurations. Note that once a
non-default file system caching option is chosen, it is not possible to return to the default
(unspecified) behavior. Instead, the file system caching mode must be selected explicitly.
- Specifies that all I/O operations in the target table space are to be cached at the file system level.
- Specifies that all I/O operations are to bypass the file system-level cache. LOB and Long
field data in SMS table spaces are
Db2 supports disk devices with physical sector sizes of 512 bytes or 4096 bytes.
Support for 4096 byte sector sizes is not enabled by default, and can be enabled using the DB2_4K_DEVICE_SUPPORT registry variable.
- Specifies the time to read one page into memory. If TRANSFERRATE is not specified for a
non-automatic storage table space, the value defaults to the database creation default described
later in the description for this keyword. If TRANSFERRATE is not specified for an automatic storage
table space, the default is to INHERIT the value from the storage group it is using. If the DEVICE
READ RATE value at the storage group is undefined, the TRANSFERRATE defaults to the database
creation default. For more information on tuning, refer to Table space impact on
query optimization.
- This value is used to determine the cost of I/O during query optimization. The value of number-of-milliseconds is any numeric literal (integer, decimal, or floating point). If this value is not the same for all containers, the number should be the average for all containers that belong to the table space.
- If INHERIT is specified, the table space must be defined by using automatic storage and the
TRANSFERRATE is dynamically inherited from the DEVICE READ RATE of the storage group. INHERIT cannot
be specified if the table space is not defined by using automatic storage (SQLSTATE 42613).
When an automatic storage table space inherits the TRANSFERRATE setting from the storage group it is using, the DEVICE READ RATE of the storage group, which is in megabytes per second, is converted into milliseconds per page read accounting for the PAGESIZE setting of the table space. The conversion formula follows:
For a database that was created in Db2 version 10.1 or later, the default time to read one page into memory for 4 KB PAGESIZE table space is 0.04 milliseconds.
For a database that was upgraded from a previous version of Db2 to Db2version 10.1 or later, the default time to read one page into memory is as follows:- 0.06 milliseconds for a database that is created in Db2 version 9.7 or higher
- Specifies
a tag for the data in the table space. If the DATA TAG is not specified,
the default for automatic storage table spaces is to INHERIT from
the storage group it is using and for non-automatic table spaces it
will be set to NONE. This value can be used as part of a WLM configuration
in a work class definition (see CREATE WORK CLASS SET statement)
or referenced within a threshold definition (see CREATE THRESHOLD statement). This clause cannot be specified if
TEMPORARY is also specified (SQLSTATE 42613).
- Valid values for integer-constant are integers in the range 1 - 9. If an integer-constant is specified and an associated storage group exists, the data tag that is specified for the table space will override any data tag value that is specified for the associated storage group.
- If INHERIT is specified, the table space must be defined by using automatic storage and the data tag is dynamically inherited from the storage group. INHERIT cannot be specified if the table space is not defined by using automatic storage (SQLSTATE 42613).
- If NONE is specified, there is no data tag.
- Indicates whether dropped tables in the specified
table space can be recovered by using the RECOVER DROPPED TABLE option of the
ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command. This clause can only be specified for a regular or
large table space (SQLSTATE 42613).
- ON
- Specifies that dropped tables can be recovered. This is the default.
- Specifies that dropped tables cannot be recovered.
- If automatic storage is not defined for the database, an error is returned (SQLSTATE 55060).
- The INITIALSIZE clause cannot be specified with the MANAGED BY SYSTEM or MANAGED BY DATABASE clause (SQLSTATE 42601).
- The AUTORESIZE, INCREASESIZE, or MAXSIZE clause cannot be specified with the MANAGED BY SYSTEM clause (SQLSTATE 42601).
- The AUTORESIZE, INITIALSIZE, INCREASESIZE, or MAXSIZE clause cannot be specified for the creation of a temporary automatic storage table space (SQLSTATE 42601).
- The INCREASESIZE or MAXSIZE clause cannot be specified if the tables space is not auto-resizable (SQLSTATE 42601).
- AUTORESIZE cannot be enabled for DMS table spaces that are defined to use raw device containers (SQLSTATE 42601).
- A table space must initially be large enough to hold five extents (SQLSTATE 57011).
- The maximum size of a table space must be larger than its initial size (SQLSTATE 560B0).
- Container operations (ADD, EXTEND, RESIZE, DROP, or BEGIN NEW STRIPE SET) cannot be performed on automatic storage table spaces because the database manager is controlling the space management of such table spaces (SQLSTATE 42858).
- Each container definition requires 53 bytes plus the number of bytes necessary to store the container name. The combined length of all container definitions for the table space cannot exceed 208 kilobytes (SQLSTATE 54034).
- For a partitioned database, if more than one database partition resides on the same physical node, the same device or path cannot be specified for more than one database partition (SQLSTATE 42730). In this environment, either specify a unique container-string for each database partition, or use a relative path name.
- Only automatic storage table spaces can be created in a Db2 pureScale environment(SQLSTATE 42997).
- Container size limits: In DMS table spaces, a container must be at least two times the extent size pages in length (SQLSTATE 54039). The maximum size of a container is operating system dependent.
- Choosing between a database-managed space or a system-managed space for a table space is a fundamental choice involving tradeoffs.
- When more than one TEMPORARY table space exists in the database, they are used in round-robin fashion to balance their usage.
- The owner of the table space is granted USE privilege with the WITH GRANT OPTION on the table space when it is created.
- An automatic storage table space is created as either an SMS table space or a DMS table space. DMS is chosen for large and regular table spaces, and SMS is chosen for temporary table spaces. This behavior cannot be depended upon because it might change in a future release. When DMS is chosen and the type of table space is not specified, the default behavior is to create a large table space.
- The creation of an automatic storage table space does not include container definitions. The database manager automatically determines the location and size, if applicable, of the containers based on the storage paths that are associated with the specified storage group or the default storage group. The database manager will attempt to grow large and regular table spaces, as necessary, if the maximum size has not been reached. This might involve extending existing containers or adding containers to a new stripe set. Every time that the database is activated, the database manager automatically reconfigures the number and location of the containers for temporary table spaces that are not in an abnormal state.
- A large or regular automatic storage table space will not use new storage paths (see the description of the ALTER STOGROUP statement) until there is no more space in one of the existing storage paths that the table space is using. Temporary automatic storage table spaces can only use the new storage paths once the database has been deactivated and then reactivated.
- Media
attributes: The following table shows how the media attributes of newly created table spaces
are treated in upgraded and newly created Db2
version 10.1 databases.
Table 1. Media attributes across different versions of Db2 Media attributes Upgraded Database Newly Created Database New automatic storage table spaces / storage group DEVICE READ RATE set to undefined Defaults based on version database was created (no change) Not applicable New automatic storage table spaces / storage group OVERHEAD set to undefined Defaults based on version database was created (no change) Not applicable New automatic storage table spaces / storage group DEVICE READ RATE is set Inherit from storage group factoring in PAGESIZE Inherit from storage group factoring in PAGESIZE New automatic storage table spaces / storage group OVERHEAD is set Inherit from storage group Inherit from storage group New non-automatic storage table spaces Defaults based on version database was created (no change) Db2 version 10.1 media defaults taking PAGESIZE into account - Default
TRANSFERRATE: The following table shows how the default TRANSFERRATE
value differs for newly created table spaces.
Table 2. Default TRANSFERRATE PAGESIZE TRANSFERRATE 4 KB 0.04 ms per page read 8 KB 0.08 ms per page read 16 KB 0.16 ms per page read 32 KB 0.32 ms per page read - Syntax alternatives:
The following are supported for compatibility with previous versions of Db2 and with other database products. These alternatives are non-standard and
should not be used.
- NODE can be specified in place of DBPARTITIONNUM.
- NODES can be specified in place of DBPARTITIONNUMS.
- NODEGROUP can be specified in place of DATABASE PARTITION GROUP.
- LONG can be specified in place of LARGE.
- For the Db2 Developer-C Edition:
- Altering an auto-resize table space without specifying MAXSIZE will implicitly set MAXSIZE to the remaining capacity, up to the defined storage size.
- An attempt to resize, add, or extend the container size of all table spaces larger than the defined storage size results in a fail.
- Altering a table space fails if there exists a subsequent CREATE TABLESPACE that hasn’t been committed.
- Create a large DMS table space on a Linux system
using three devices of 10 000 4K pages each. Specify their I/O
CREATE TABLESPACE PAYROLL MANAGED BY DATABASE USING (DEVICE'/dev/rhdisk6' 10000, DEVICE '/dev/rhdisk7' 10000, DEVICE '/dev/rhdisk8' 10000) OVERHEAD 12.67 TRANSFERRATE 0.18
- Create
a regular SMS table space on Windows using three
directories on three separate drives, with a 64-page extent size, and a 32-page prefetch size.
- Create a system temporary DMS table space on a Linux
system by using two files of 50 000 pages each, and a 256-page extent size.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMPSPACE2 MANAGED BY DATABASE USING (FILE 'dbtmp/tempspace2.f1' 50000, FILE 'dbtmp/tempspace2.f2' 50000) EXTENTSIZE 256
- Create a large DMS table space in database partition group ODDNODEGROUP
(database partitions 1, 3, and 5) on a Linux system.
Use the device /dev/rhdisk0 for 10 000 4K
pages on each database partition. Specify a database partition-specific
device with 40 000 4K pages for each database partition.
CREATE TABLESPACE PLANS MANAGED BY DATABASE USING (DEVICE '/dev/rhdisk0' 10000, DEVICE '/dev/rn1hd01' 40000) ON DBPARTITIONNUM (1) USING (DEVICE '/dev/rhdisk0' 10000, DEVICE '/dev/rn3hd03' 40000) ON DBPARTITIONNUM (3) USING (DEVICE '/dev/rhdisk0' 10000, DEVICE '/dev/rn5hd05' 40000) ON DBPARTITIONNUM (5)
- Create a large automatic storage table space that is named DATATS, allowing the system to make
all decisions concerning table space size and growth.
- Create a system temporary automatic storage table space named TEMPDATA.
- Create a large automatic storage table space that is named USERSPACE3 with an initial size of
100 megabytes and a maximum size of 1 gigabyte.
- Create a large automatic storage table space that is named LARGEDATA with a growth rate of 10
percent (that is, its total size increases by 10 percent each time that it is automatically resized)
and a maximum size of 512 megabytes. Instead of specifying the INITIALSIZE clause, let the database
manager determine an appropriate initial size for the table space.
- Create a large DMS
table space that is named USERSPACE4 with two file containers (each container being 1 megabyte in
size), a growth rate of 2 megabytes, and a maximum size of 100 megabytes.
- Create large DMS table spaces, using RAW
devices on a Windows operating
- To specify entire physical drives, use the \\.\physical-drive format:
CREATE TABLESPACE TS1 MANAGED BY DATABASE USING (DEVICE '\\.\PhysicalDrive5' 10000, DEVICE '\\.\PhysicalDrive6' 10000)
- To specify logical partitions by using drive letters:
- To specify logical partitions by using volume global unique identifiers
(GUIDs), use the db2listvolumes utility to retrieve
the volume GUID for each local partition, then copy the GUID for the
logical partition that you want into the table space container clause:
You might prefer to use volume GUIDs over the drive letter format if you have more partitions than available drive letters on the machine.CREATE TABLESPACE TS3 MANAGED BY DATABASE USING ( DEVICE '\\?\Volume{2ca6a0c1-8542-11d8-9734-00096b5322d2}\' 20000M)
- To
specify logical partitions by using junction points (or volume mount
points), mount the RAW partition to another NTFS-formatted volume
as a junction point, then specify the path to the junction point on
the NTFS volume as the container path. For example:
The partition is queried first to see whether there is a file system on it; if yes, the partition is not treated as a RAW device, and normal file system I/O operations are performed on the partition.CREATE TABLESPACE TS4 MANAGED BY DATABASE USING (DEVICE 'C:\JUNCTION\DISK_1' 10000, DEVICE 'C:\JUNCTION\DISK_2' 10000)
- To specify entire physical drives, use the \\.\physical-drive format: