Directory structure for your installed Db2 database product (Linux®)
During a root installation, you can specify where the subdirectories and files for the Db2 database product will be created. For non-root installations, you cannot choose where Db2 products are installed; you must use the default locations.
Db2 Object | Location |
DAS home directory | home/dasusr1 |
DAS information | home/dasusr1/das |
Database configuration file SQLDBCON | home/db2inst1/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001 |
Database directory Contains files needed for:
home/db2inst1/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001 |
Database manager configuration file db2systm | home/db2inst1/sqllib |
Db2 commands | /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/bin |
Db2 error messages file (db2diag log file) | home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2dump |
Db2 installation path | default is /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5 |
Db2 pureScale® nodes installation log files | <root home>/db2log |
Directory for event monitor data | home/db2inst1/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001/db2event |
Directory for transaction log files | home/db2inst1/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001/LOGSTREAM0000 |
Installation log file db2install.history | /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/install/logs |
Instance home directory | home/db2inst1 |
Instance information | home/db2inst1/sqllib |
Local database directory for the instance | home/db2inst1/db2inst1/NODE0000/sqldbdir |
Partitioned database environment file db2nodes.cfg | home/db2inst1/sqllib |
System database directory | home/db2inst1/sqllib/sqldbdir |
The following figures illustrate an example of the Db2 directory structure after a root installation. In these examples, there are two instances, db2inst1 and db2inst2.
Directory structure - default local database directory information for the Db2 instance db2inst1

- Local database directories.
- Database configuration file
Directory structure - directory information for the Db2 instance db2inst1

- The db2diag log files in this directory logs Db2 error messages.
- System database directory
- The db2nodes.cfg file is used in a partitioned database environment.
- Database manager configuration file
The dasusr1 directory contains the Db2 administration server (DAS) configuration files and the symbolic links to Db2 core files.
Directory structure - install log file location

This figure illustrates the location of your install log file. If there were multiple installations under the same installation path, the db2install.history file will be indexed as db2install.history.n where n represents a four digit number, for example, 0000, or 0001.
The Db2 installation directory /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5 contains the installed Db2 files.