WLM_CANCEL_ACTIVITY procedure - Cancel an activity

This procedure cancels a given activity. If the cancel takes place, an error message will be returned to the application that submitted the activity that was cancelled.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramWLM_CANCEL_ACTIVITY(application_handle ,uow_id,activity_id)

The schema is SYSPROC.

Procedure parameters

An input argument of type BIGINT that specifies the application handle whose activity is to be cancelled. If the argument is null, no activity will be found and an SQL4702N with SQLSTATE 5U035 is returned.
An input argument of type INTEGER that specifies the unit of work ID of the activity that is to be cancelled. If the argument is null, no activity will be found and an SQL4702N with SQLSTATE 5U035 is returned.
An input argument of type INTEGER that specifies the activity ID which uniquely identifies the activity within the unit of work that is to be cancelled. If the argument is null, no activity will be found and an SQL4702N with SQLSTATE 5U035 is returned.


One of the following authorities is required to execute the routine:
  • EXECUTE privilege on the routine
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • DBADM authority
  • SQLADM authority
  • WLMADM authority

Default PUBLIC privilege



An administrator can use the WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function to find the application handle, unit of work ID and activity ID of an activity. To cancel an activity with application handle 1, unit of work ID 2 and activity ID 3:

Usage notes

  • If no activity can be found, an SQL4702N with SQLSTATE 5U035 is returned.
  • If the activity cannot be cancelled because it not in the correct state (not initialized), an SQL4703N (reason code 1) with SQLSTATE 5U016 is returned.
  • If the activity is successfully cancelled, an SQL4725N with SQLSTATE 57014 is returned to the cancelled application.
  • If, at the time of the cancel, the coordinator is processing a request for a different activity or is idle, the activity is placed into CANCEL_PENDING state and will be cancelled when the coordinator processes the next request.