Frequently asked questions about Db2 cluster file system problems

Use the following information to determine possible solutions to problems with the Db2 cluster file system, which is based on IBM® Spectrum Scale.

What if the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster failed to be created?

During instance creation, the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster might fail to be created. This failure will trigger an instance creation rollback. Review the log file found in the DB2DIR/tmp directory. The db2cluster command is used to create an instance. The db2cluster command log file can be found in DB2DIR/tmp/ibm.db2.cluster.*. After reviewing the contents of that log file, contact IBM Software Support.

What if the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster fails to extend to the target host?

If the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster extension to the host fails, you can review the log file, found in the DB2DIR/tmp directory to determine why the extension was prevented on that host.

What if the "GPFS_CLUSTER" global registry variable record on the target hosts was not created?

As with any errors, review the installation log for specific details. Ensure that the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster has been properly created. If the log indicates that the GPFS_CLUSTER global registry variable record was not created on the specified hosts, contact IBM Software Support.

What if the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster was not deleted during a failed installation?

If a failed attempt to install a Db2 product results in a rollback, the Db2 installer might be unable to remove the newly created IBM Spectrum Scale file system. To understand why the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster was not removed, review the log file found in the DB2DIR/tmp directory .