Installing database partition servers on participating computers using a response file (Windows)

In this task you will use the response file you created using the Db2 Setup wizard to install database partition servers on participating computers.

Before you begin

  • You have installed a Db2® copy on the primary computer using the Db2 Setup wizard.
  • You have created a response file for installing on participating computers and copied it onto the participating computer.
  • You must have administrative authority on participating computers.


To install additional database partition servers using a response file:

  1. Log to the computer that will participate in the partitioned database environment with the local Administrator account that you have defined for the Db2 installation.
  2. Change to the directory containing the Db2 database product DVD.
    For example:
         cd c:\db2dvd
    where db2dvd represents the name of the directory containing the Db2 database product DVD.
  3. From a command prompt, enter the setup command as follows:
    setup -u responsefile_directory\response_file_name
    In the following example, the response file, Addpart.file can be found in the c:\responsefile directory. The command for this example, would be:
    setup -u c:\reponsefile\Addpart.file
  4. Check the messages in the log file when the installation finishes. You can find the log file in the My Documents\DB2LOG\ directory. You should see output similar to the following at the end of the log file:
    === Logging stopped: 5/9/2007  10:41:32 ===
    MSI (c) (C0:A8) [10:41:32:984]: Product: Db2 Enterprise Server
    Edition - DB2COPY1 -- Installation
    operation completed successfully.
  5. When you install the instance-owning database partition server on the primary computer, the Db2 database product reserves a port range according to the specified number of logical database partition servers participating in partitioned database environment. The default range is four ports. For each server that participates in the partitioned database environment, you must manually configure the /etc/services file for the FCM ports. The range of the FCM ports depends on how many logical partitions you want to use on the participating computer. A minimum of two entries are required, DB2_instance and DB2_instance_END. Other requirements for the FCM ports specified on participating computers are:
    • The starting port number must match the starting port number of the primary computer.
    • Subsequent ports must be sequentially numbered.
    • Specified port numbers must be free.


You must log onto each participating computer and repeat these steps.

What to do next

If you want your Db2 database product to have access to Db2 documentation either on your local computer or on another computer on your network, then you must install the Db2 Information Center. The Db2 Information Center contains documentation for the Db2 database system and Db2 related products.