You can use the GET SNAPSHOT command,
the SNAPTAB_REORG administrative view, or the SNAP_GET_TAB_REORG table
function to obtain information about the status of your table reorganization
- To access information about reorganization operations using
SQL, use the SNAPTAB_REORG administrative view.
example, the following query returns details about table reorganization
operations on all database partitions for the currently connected
database. If no tables have been reorganized, no rows are returned.
substr(tabname, 1, 15) as tab_name,
substr(tabschema, 1, 15) as tab_schema,
substr(reorg_type, 1, 20) as reorg_type,
from sysibmadm.snaptab_reorg
order by dbpartitionnum
To access information about reorganization operations using the
snapshot monitor, use the GET SNAPSHOT FOR TABLES command
and examine the values of the table reorganization monitor elements.
Because offline table reorg operations are synchronous, errors
are returned to the caller of the utility (an application or the command
line processor). And because online table reorg operations are asynchronous,
error messages in this case are not returned to the CLP. To view SQL
error messages that are returned during an online table reorg operation,
use the LIST HISTORY REORG command.An online
table reorg operation runs in the background as the db2Reorg process.
This process continues running even if the calling application terminates
its database connection.