uid_sql_stmts - Update/Insert/Merge/Delete SQL Statements Executed monitor element
The number of UPDATE, INSERT, MERGE and DELETE statements that were executed.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
Application | appl | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Connection | event_conn | Always collected |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Statistics | event_scmetrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Statistics | event_superclassmetrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Statistics | event_wlmmetrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Unit of work | uow_metrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
- Usage
- You can use this element to determine the level of database
activity at the application or database level. You can also use the following formula to determine the ratio of UPDATE, INSERT, MERGE, and DELETE statements to the total number of statements:
uid_sql_stmts / (static_sql_stmts + dynamic_sql_stmts )
This information can be useful for analyzing application activity and throughput.
unread_prefetch_pages - Unread prefetch pages monitor element
Indicates the number of pages that the prefetcher read into the bufferpool that were never used.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Command and Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Buffer Pool |
Table Space | tablespace | Buffer Pool |
Buffer Pool | bufferpool | Buffer Pool |
Application | appl | Buffer Pool |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Tablespaces | event_tablespace | Always collected |
Connection | event_conn | Always collected |
If this number is high, prefetchers are causing unnecessary I/O by reading pages into the buffer pool that will not be used.
uow_client_idle_wait_time - Client idle time within a unit of work monitor element
Indicates the time spent idle within a unit of work (UOW). The value is given in milliseconds.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
uow_comp_status - Unit of Work Completion Status monitor element
The status of the unit of work and how it stopped.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl | Unit of Work |
DCS Application | dcs_appl | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Transactions | event_xact | Always collected |
- Usage
- You may use this element to determine if the unit of work ended
due to a deadlock or abnormal termination. It may have been:
- Committed due to a commit statement
- Rolled back due to a rollback statement
- Rolled back due to a deadlock
- Rolled back due to an abnormal termination
- Committed at normal application termination.
- Unknown as a result of a FLUSH EVENT MONITOR command for which units of work were in progress.
Note: API users should refer to the header file (sqlmon.h) containing definitions of database system monitor constants.
uow_completed_total - Total completed units of work monitor element
The total number of units of work that completed, either by being committed or rolled back.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUPERCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service superclasses | Always collected |
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS table function - Return workload statistics | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
WLM_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS table function - Return workload statistics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statistics | event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) | Always collected |
Statistics | event_superclassstats (reported in the metrics document) | Always collected |
Statistics | event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) | Always collected |
When returned by the WLM_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS or the WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS function, this monitor element represents the total completed units of work since the last reset of the statistics.
When returned by the MON_SAMPLE_SERVICE_CLASS_METRICS or the MON_SAMPLE_WORKLOAD_METRICS function, this monitor element represents the total completed units of work since the function was executed.
uow_elapsed_time - Most Recent Unit of Work Elapsed Time monitor element
The elapsed execution time of the most recently completed unit of work.
- Element identifier
- uow_elapsed_time
- Element type
- time
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl | Unit of Work, Timestamp |
DCS Application | dcs_appl | Unit of Work, Timestamp |
Use this element as an indicator of the time it takes for units of work to complete.
This element is composed of two subelements that report time spent as seconds and microseconds (one millionth of a second). The names of the subelements can be derived by adding "_s" and "_ms" to the name of this monitor element. To retrieve the total time spent for this monitor element, the values of the two subelements must be added together. For example, if the "_s" subelement value is 3 and the "_ms" subelement value is 20, then the total time spent for the monitor element is 3.00002 seconds.
uow_id - Unit of work ID monitor element
The unit of work identifier. The unit of work ID is unique within an application handle.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details | Always collected |
MON_GET_AGENT table function - List agents, fenced mode processes, and system entities for the database | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_WLM_ADMISSION_QUEUE table function - Return a list of queued activities |
Always Collected |
WLM_GET_SERVICE_CLASS_AGENTS table function - list agents running in a service class | Always collected |
WLM_GET_SERVICE_CLASS_WORKLOAD _OCCURRENCES table function - list workload occurrences | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE _ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
Activities | event_activitystmt | Always collected |
Activities | event_activityvals | Always collected |
Activities | event_activitymetrics | Always collected |
Change history | ddlstmtexec txncompletion |
Always collected |
Locking | lock_participant_activities lock_activity_values |
Always collected |
Threshold violations | event_thresholdviolations | Always collected |
Unit of work | uow uow_metrics uow_package_list uow_executable_list |
Always collected |
Use this element in conjunction with other activity history elements for analysis of the behavior of an activity.
You can also use this element with the activity_id and appl_id monitor elements to uniquely identify an activity.
uow_lifetime_avg - Unit of work lifetime average monitor element
The average lifetime of a unit of work. Measured in milliseconds.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUPERCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service superclasses | Always collected |
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS table function - Return workload statistics | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
WLM_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS table function - Return workload statistics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statistics | event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) | Always collected |
Statistics | event_superclassstats (reported in the metrics document) | Always collected |
Statistics | event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) | Always collected |
When returned by the WLM_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS or the WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS function, this monitor element represents the average unit of work lifetime since the last reset of the statistics.
When returned by the MON_SAMPLE_SERVICE_CLASS_METRICS or the MON_SAMPLE_WORKLOAD_METRICS function, this monitor element represents the average unit of work lifetime since the function was executed.
uow_lock_wait_time - Total time unit of work waited on locks monitor element
The total amount of elapsed time this unit of work has spent waiting for locks. The value is given in milliseconds.
- Element identifier
- uow_lock_wait_time
- Element type
- counter
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl | Unit of Work |
- Usage
- This element can help you determine the severity of the resource contention problem.
uow_log_space_used - Unit of work log space used monitor element
The amount of log space (in bytes) used in the current unit of work of the monitored application.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl | Unit of Work |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Transactions | event_xact | Always collected |
Unit of work | - | Always collected |
You may use this element to understand the logging requirements at the unit of work level.
uow_start_time - Unit of work start timestamp monitor element
The date and time that the unit of work first required database resources.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl | Unit of Work, Timestamp |
DCS Application | dcs_appl | Unit of Work, Timestamp |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Unit of work | uow | Always collected |
Transaction | event_xact | - |
- For the first unit of work, it is the time of the first database request (SQL statement execution) after conn_complete_time.
- For subsequent units of work, it is the time of the first database request (SQL statement execution) after the previous COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
The database system monitor excludes the time spent between the COMMIT/ROLLBACK and the next SQL statement from its definition of a unit of work. This measurement method reflects the time spent by the database manager in processing database requests, separate from time spent in application logic before the first SQL statement of that unit of work. The unit of work elapsed time does include the time spent running application logic between SQL statements within the unit of work.
You may use this element with the uow_stop_time monitor element to calculate the total elapsed time of the unit of work and with the prev_uow_stop_time monitor element to calculate the time spent in the application between units of work.
You can use the uow_stop_time and the prev_uow_stop_time monitor elements to calculate the elapsed time for the SQL Reference definition of a unit of work.
uow_status - Unit of Work Status monitor element
The status of the unit of work.
- Element identifier
- uow_status
- Element type
- information
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Transactions | event_xact | Always collected |
- Usage
- You may use this element to determine the status of a unit of work. API users should refer to the sqlmon.h header file containing definitions of database system monitor constants.
uow_stop_time - Unit of work stop timestamp monitor element
The date and time that the most recent unit of work completed, which occurs when database changes are committed or rolled back.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl | Unit of Work, Timestamp |
DCS Application | dcs_appl | Unit of Work, Timestamp |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Unit of work | uow | Always collected |
Use this element with the prev_uow_stop_time monitor element to calculate the total elapsed time between COMMIT/ROLLBACK points, and with the uow_start_time monitor element to calculate the elapsed time of the latest unit of work.
- When the application has completed a unit of work and has not yet started a new one (as defined in the uow_start_time monitor element), this element reports a valid, non-zero timestamp.
- When the application is currently executing a unit of work, this element reports zeros.
- When the application first connects to the database, this element is set to the value of the conn_complete_time monitor element
As a new unit of work is started, the contents of this element are moved to the prev_uow_stop_time monitor element.
uow_throughput - Unit of work throughput monitor element
The completion rate of units of work measured in units of work per second.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUPERCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service superclasses | Always collected |
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS table function - Return workload statistics | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
WLM_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS table function - Return workload statistics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statistics | event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) | Always collected |
Statistics | event_superclassstats (reported in the metrics document) | Always collected |
Statistics | event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) | Always collected |
When returned by the WLM_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS or the WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS function, this monitor element represents the unit of work throughput since the last reset of the statistics.
When returned by the MON_SAMPLE_SERVICE_CLASS_METRICS or the MON_SAMPLE_WORKLOAD_METRICS function, this monitor element represents the unit of work throughput since the function was executed.
uow_total_time_top - UOW total time top monitor element
High watermark for unit of work lifetime, in milliseconds.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses | Always collected |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUPERCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service superclasses | Always collected |
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS table function - Return workload statistics | Always collected |
WLM_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS table function - Return workload statistics | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statistics | event_wlstats | Always collected |
Statistics | event_scstats | Always collected |
Statistics | event_superclassstats | Always collected |
This element can be used to help determine whether or not the UOWTOTALTIME threshold is effective and can also help to determine how to configure such a threshold.
For service classes, this monitor element returns -1 when COLLECT AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA for the service class is set to NONE.
For workloads, this monitor element returns -1 if COLLECT AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA for the workload is set to NONE.
For a service class, measurements taken for this high watermark are computed for the service class assigned by the workload. Any mapping by a work action set to change the service class of an activity does not affect this high watermark.
update_sql_stmts - Updates monitor element
This element contains a count of the total number of times the federated server has issued an UPDATE statement to this data source on behalf of any application from the start of the federated server instance, or the last reset of the database monitor counters.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase_remote | Basic |
Application | appl_remote | Basic |
- Usage
- Use this element to determine the level of database activity
against this data source by the federated server or an application.
You can also use this element to determine the percentage of write activity against this data source by the federated server or an application, with the following formula:
write_activity = (INSERT statements + UPDATE statements + DELETE statements ) / (SELECT statements + INSERT statements + UPDATE statements + DELETE statements)
update_time - Update Response Time monitor element
This element contains the aggregate amount of time, in milliseconds, that it has taken this data source to respond to UPDATEs from all applications or a single application running on this federated server instance from the start of the federated server instance, or the last reset of the database monitor counters.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase_remote | Timestamp |
Application | appl_remote | Timestamp |
The response time is measured as the difference in time between the time the federated server submits an UPDATE statement to the data source, and the time the data source responds to the federated server, indicating the UPDATE has been processed.
- Usage
- Use this element to determine how much actual time transpires while waiting for UPDATEs to this data source to be processed. This information can be useful for capacity planning and tuning.
usage_list_last_state_change - Last state change monitor element
A timestamp that indicates when the value of the usage_list_state monitor element last changed.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_USAGE_LIST_STATUS table function - Returns the status on a usage list | Always collected |
usage_list_mem_size - Usage list memory size monitor element
The total amount of memory that is allocated for a particular usage list, in kilobytes.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_USAGE_LIST_STATUS table function - Returns the status on a usage list | Always collected |
usage_list_name - Usage list name monitor element
A usage list name.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_INDEX_USAGE_LIST table function - Returns information from an index usage list | Always collected |
MON_GET_TABLE_USAGE_LIST table function - Returns information from a table usage list | Always collected |
MON_GET_USAGE_LIST_STATUS table function - Returns the status on a usage list | Always collected |
usage_list_schema - Usage list schema monitor element
The name of the schema of a usage list.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_INDEX_USAGE_LIST table function - Returns information from an index usage list | Always collected |
MON_GET_TABLE_USAGE_LIST table function - Returns information from a table usage list | Always collected |
MON_GET_USAGE_LIST_STATUS table function - Returns the status on a usage list | Always collected |
usage_list_size - Usage list size monitor element
The maximum number of entries that a particular usage list can hold.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_USAGE_LIST_STATUS table function - Returns the status on a usage list | Always collected |
usage_list_state - Usage list state monitor element
The state of a particular usage list.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_USAGE_LIST_STATUS table function - Returns the status on a usage list | Always collected |
- Active. F
- Failed to activate. I
- Inactive. P
- Activation pending.
usage_list_used_entries - Usage list used entries monitor element
The number of entries currently in a usage list. If the usage list in an Inactive state, this monitor element represents the number of entries that were in this usage list when it was last active for monitoring.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_USAGE_LIST_STATUS table function - Returns the status on a usage list | Always collected |
usage_list_wrapped - Usage list wrap indicator monitor element
An indicator of whether a particular usage list has wrapped. When a usage list becomes full, the default behavior is for entries to wrap, which means the oldest entries get replaced the by newest entries.
Possible values are Y and N.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_USAGE_LIST_STATUS table function - Returns the status on a usage list | Always collected |
user_cpu_time - User CPU time monitor element
The total user CPU time (in seconds and microseconds) used by the database manager agent process, the unit of work, or the statement. For event monitors that write to tables, the value of this element is given in microseconds by using the BIGINT data type.
When either the statement monitor switch or the timestamp switch is not turned on, this element is not collected and -1 is written instead.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Connection | event_conn | Always collected |
Transactions | event_xact | Always collected |
Statements | event_stmt | Always collected |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
This element along with the other related CPU-time elements can help you understand the level of activity within an application, and can help you identify applications that could benefit from additional tuning.
UTIL_HEAP_ALLOCATED - total utility heap allocated monitor element
The total number of allocated 4K pages of utility heap for a given activity that was executed with the WLM admission control enabled. This element will be NULL if WLM admission control was disabled when this activity was submitted.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always Collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Return information about an activity as an XML document | Always Collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always Collected |
Event type | Logical data grouping | Monitor switch |
Activity | event_activitymetrics | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
utility_dbname - Database Operated on by Utility monitor element
The database operated on by the utility.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | utility_info | Basic |
utility_description - Utility Description monitor element
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | utility_info | Basic |
utility_detail - Utility detail monitor element
This element contains a brief description of the work a utility is performing.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_UTILITY table function - Get utilities running on the database | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Change History | UTILSTART | Always collected |
A brief description of the work a utility is performing, including some options specified for the utility. For example, a record for the invocation of REORG includes a partially reconstructed command string including some of the different options used by the utility such as access mode. The format of this field is dependent on the type of utility and might change between releases.
For the automatic dictionary creation (ADC), this element includes the descriptive name of the operation.
utility_id - Utility ID monitor element
The unique identifier corresponding to the utility invocation.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Command and Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
MON_GET_UTILITY table function - Get utilities running on the database | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE _ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | utility_info | Basic |
This element represents the job ID that identifies the unique job that links the tasks in an automatic dictionary creation (ADC) operation. Such ADC tasks include build, copy, and enable. These tasks share the same utility_id across all members and stages. This identifier might not be unique across all database utilities.
utility_invocation_id - Utility invocation ID monitor element
A unique identifier corresponding to the utility invocation.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details | Always collected |
MON_GET_AGENT table function - List agents, fenced mode processes, and system entities for the database | Always collected |
MON_GET_UTILITY table function - Get utilities running on the database | Always collected |
WLM_GET_SERVICE_CLASS_AGENTS table function - list agents running in a service class | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Element Collection Level |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
Change History | changesummary utillocation utilphase utilstart utilstop |
Always collected |
The utility_invocation_id is a binary token that uniquely identifies a given invocation of a utility. The utility_invocation_id is the same on each member where the utility is executing. The utility_invocation_id will retain its uniqueness across database deactivation, reactivation, and member shutdown, allowing quick identification of all event monitor records corresponding to a given invocation of a utility.
The value of this element uniquely identifies an automatic dictionary creation (ADC) operation composed of several tasks, such as build, copy, and enable. All tasks that are created for a single ADC job share the same utility_invocation_id across all members and stages. This element also distinguishes between concurrent ADC jobs running on different members.
utility_invoker_type - Utility Invoker Type monitor element
This element describes how a utility was invoked.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_UTILITY table function - Get utilities running on the database | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | utility_info | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Change history | utilstart | Always collected |
API Constant | Utility |
SQLM_UTILITY_INVOKER_USER | Utility was invoked by a user. |
SQLM_UTILITY_INVOKER_AUTO | Utility was invoked automatically by the database. |
- Utility was invoked by a user.
- Utility was invoked automatically by the database.
For the automatic dictionary creation (ADC) task, the value of this element is 'AUTO'. For ADC invocation initiated by a LOAD or REDISTRIBUTE operation, the value of this element is 'USER' for the first record written.
utility_operation_type - Utility operation type monitor element
Indicates the type of utility operation.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_UTILITY table function - Get utilities running on the database | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Change History | UTILSTART | Always collected |
For the change history event monitor, this element contains details about utility events (UTILITY_TYPE) that were started.
- R
- Readying operation
- B
- Build operation
- C
- Copy and drain operation
- E
- Enable operation
- X
- Cancel operation
- L
- Load Initiated Automatic Dictionary Creation
- D
- Delta
- I
- Incremental
- F
- Full
- I
- Insert
- R
- Replace
- S
- Restart
- T
- Terminate
- A
- Cancel
- C
- Copy
- I
- Init
- L
- Cleanup
- M
- Move
- R
- Replay
- S
- Swap
- V
- Verify
- A
- Abort
- C
- Continue
- D
- Default
- T
- Target Map
- A
- Reorganize all table indexes
- C
- Recompress table
- I
- Index reorganization
- N
- Inplace table reorganization
- R
- Reorganize table reclaim extents
- T
- Classic table reorganization
- A
- Incremental automatic
- B
- Incremental abort
- F
- Full
- M
- Incremental manual
- E
- End of logs
- P
- Point in time
- A
- All indexes on a table
- I
- Index
- T
- Table
utility_phase_detail - Utility phase detail monitor element
This element reserved for future use.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Change History | UTILPHASE | Always collected |
utility_phase_type - Utility phase type monitor element
Identifies the utility phase type.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Change History | UTILPHASE | Always collected |
For the change history event monitor, if theutility_type
element is BACKUP, the phase
type is:- BACKUPTS
- Backup table space
utility_priority - Utility Priority monitor element
Utility priority specifies the amount of relative importance of a throttled utility with respect to its throttled peers. A priority of 0 implies that a utility is executing unthrottled. Non-zero priorities must fall in the range of 1-100, with 100 representing the highest priority and 1 representing the lowest.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_UTILITY table function - Get utilities running on the database | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | utility_info | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Change history | utilstart | Always collected |
utility_start_time - Utility Start Time monitor element
The date and time when the current utility was originally invoked.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_UTILITY table function - Get utilities running on the database | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | utility_info | Basic |
utility_start_type - Utility start type monitor element
This element indicates how a utility was started.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Change History | UTILSTART | Always collected |
For the change history event monitor, utility start information is one of:- RESUME
For automatic dictionary creation (ADC), the start record for the readying job should have the value 'START'. This value indicates the overall start of utility since this is the first task to run. For all other ADC tasks the value is 'RESUME', because work is resuming on dictionary creation.
utility_state - Utility State monitor element
This element describes the state of a utility.
- Element identifier
- utility_state
- Element type
- information
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | utility_info | Basic |
- Usage
- Use this element to determine the state of an active utility.
The values for this field, listed as follows, are defined in sqlmon.h.
API Constant Description SQLM_UTILITY_STATE_EXECUTE Utility is executing SQLM_UTILITY_STATE_WAIT Utility is waiting for an event to occur before resuming progress SQLM_UTILITY_STATE_ERROR Utility has encountered an error SQLM_UTILITY_STATE_SUSPENDED Utility has been suspended
utility_stop_type - Utility stop type monitor element
This element indicates how a utility was stopped.
This element is a synonym for util_stop_type.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Change History | UTILSTOP | Always collected |
For the change history event monitor, a utility was stopped in one of the following ways:- PAUSE
For the automatic dictionary creation (ADC) task, the stop or cancel record for the enable operation has the value of STOP, since these records indicate the completion of the utility. All other stop records have a value of PAUSE, since the utility will resume when the next task begins.
utility_type - Utility Type monitor element
The class of utility.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_UTILITY table function - Get utilities running on the database | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | utility_info | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor element collection level |
Change history | changesummary utillocation utilphase utilstart utilstop |
Always collected |
The values for this element can be any of the constants defined in sqlmon.h with names beginning "SQLM_UTILITY_".