backup_timestamp - Backup timestamp monitor element
Timestamp of the backup image.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Element Collection Level |
Change History | changesummary | Always collected |
- If UTILITY_TYPE is BACKUP and EVENT_TYPE is UTILSTART, the BACKUP_TIMESTAMP value is the timestamp of the backup image. If UTILITY_TYPE is RESTORE and EVENT_TYPE is UTILSTOP, the BACKUP_TIMESTAMP value is the timestamp of the backup image. For all other cases, the BACKUP_TIMESTAMP is an empty string.
- For RESTORE, the image timestamp is not always known at the start time of the utility.
A BACKUP_TIMESTAMP can be correlated with information stored in the database history file (for example, Lookup sequence information) using the SYSIBMADM.DB_HISTORY administration view
bin_id - Histogram bin identifier monitor element
The identifier of a histogram bin. The bin_id is unique within a histogram.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statistics | event_histogrambin | - |
Use this element to distinguish bins within the same histogram.
binds_precompiles - Binds/Precompiles Attempted monitor element
The number of binds and pre-compiles attempted.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
Application | appl | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Connection | event_conn | Always collected |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Statistics | event_scmetrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Statistics | event_superclassmetrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Statistics | event_wlmetrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Unit of work | uow_metrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
- Usage
- You can use this element to gain insight into the current level
of activity within the database manager.
This value does not include the count of int_auto_rebinds, but it does include binds that occur as a result of the REBIND PACKAGE command.
block_ios - Number of block I/O requests monitor element
The number of block I/O requests. More specifically, the number of times the database performs sequential prefetching of pages into the block area of the buffer pool.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_CONTAINER table function - Get table space container metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Buffer Pool | bufferpool | Buffer Pool |
If block-based buffer pool is enabled, this monitor element will report how often block I/O is being done. Otherwise, this monitor element will return 0. The number of block I/O requests is monitored only during sequential prefetching when using block-based buffer pools.
- The extent size of one or more table spaces bound to the buffer pool is smaller than the block size specified for the buffer pool.
- Some pages requested in the prefetch request are already present in the page area of the buffer pool.
The prefetcher allows some wasted pages in each buffer pool block, but if too many pages are wasted, then the prefetcher will decide to perform vectored I/O into the page area of the buffer pool.
To take full advantage of the sequential prefetch performance improvements that block-based buffer pools provide, it is essential to choose an appropriate value for the block size. This can, however, be difficult because multiple table spaces with different extent sizes can be bound to the same block-based buffer pool. For optimal performance, it is recommended that you bind table spaces with the same extent size to a block-based buffer pool with a block size equal to the extent size. Good performance can be achieved when the extent size of the table spaces are greater than the block size, but not when the extent size is smaller than the block size.
For example, if the extent size is 2 and the block size is 8, vectored I/O would be used instead of block I/O (block I/O would have wasted 6 pages). A reduction of the block size to 2 would solve this problem.
blocking_cursor - Blocking Cursor monitor element
This element indicates if the statement being executed is using a blocking cursor.
- Element identifier
- blocking_cursor
- Element type
- information
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | stmt | Statement |
DCS Statement | dcs_stmt | Statement |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Deadlocks with Details | event_detailed_dlconn | Always collected |
Statements | event_stmt | Always collected |
- Usage
- Using blocking for data transfer for a query can improve its performance. The SQL used for a query can affect the use of blocking and might require some modification.
blocks_pending_cleanup - Pending cleanup rolled-out blocks monitor element
The total number of MDC table blocks in the database that are pending asynchronous cleanup following a roll out delete.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
ADMINTABINFO administrative view and ADMIN_GET_TAB_INFO table function - retrieve table size and state information | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | - |
Database | event_db | - |
Use this element to determine the number of MDC table blocks that, following the deletion of a defer cleanup roll out, have not been released back to the system as available storage.
bottom - Histogram bin bottom monitor element
The exclusive bottom end of the range of a histogram bin. The value of this monitor element is also the top inclusive end of the range of the previous histogram bin, if there is one.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statistics | event_histogrambin | - |
Use this element with the corresponding top element to determine the range of a bin within a histogram.
boundary_leaf_node_splits - Boundary leaf node splits monitor element
A boundary leaf node split is when a leaf node split is triggered by the insertion of a new highest or new lowest key into an index. The boundary_leaf_node_splits monitor element returns the number of times a boundary leaf node was split during an insert operation.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_INDEX table function - Get index metrics | Always collected |
bp_cur_buffsz - Current Size of Buffer Pool monitor element
The current buffer pool size, in pages.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Buffer Pool | bufferpool_nodeinfo | Buffer Pool |
bp_id - Buffer pool identifier monitor element
This element contains the buffer pool identifier for the buffer pool that is being monitored.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Buffer Pool | bufferpool | Basic |
bp_name - Buffer pool name monitor element
The name of the buffer pool.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Command and Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Buffer Pool | bufferpool | Basic |
- Usage
- Each
database requires at least one buffer
pool. Depending on
your needs, you may choose to create several buffer pools, each of
a different size, for a single database. The CREATE, ALTER, and DROP
BUFFERPOOL statements allow you to create, change, or remove a buffer
pool. When a database is created, it has a default buffer pool called IBMDEFAULTBP with a size determined by the platform. It also has a set of system buffer pools, each corresponding to a different page size:
bp_new_buffsz - New Buffer Pool Size monitor element
The size the buffer pool will be changed to once the database is restarted. When the ALTER BUFFERPOOL statement is executed as DEFERRED, the buffer pool size is not changed until the database is stopped and restarted.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Buffer Pool | bufferpool_nodeinfo | Buffer Pool |
bp_pages_left_to_remove - Number of Pages Left to Remove monitor element
The number of pages left to remove from the buffer pool before the buffer pool resize is completed. This applies only to buffer pool resize operations invoked by ALTER BUFFERPOOL statements executed as IMMEDIATE.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Buffer Pool | bufferpool_nodeinfo | Buffer Pool |
bp_tbsp_use_count - Number of Table Spaces Mapped to Buffer Pool monitor element
The number of table spaces using this buffer pool.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Buffer Pool | bufferpool_nodeinfo | Buffer Pool |
buff_auto_tuning - FCM buffer auto-tuning indicator monitor element
Indicates whether the number of fast communication manager (FCM) buffers is set and tuned automatically. A value of 1 means "Yes"; a value of 0 means "No".
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_FCM - Get FCM metrics | Always collected |
FCM buffer auto-tuning is enabled by setting the fcm_num_buffers configuration parameter to AUTOMATIC.
buff_free - FCM Buffers Currently Free monitor element
This element indicates the number of FCM buffers currently free.
- Element identifier
- buff_free
- Element type
- gauge
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_FCM - Get FCM metrics | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | fcm | Basic |
(buff_free/buff_total) * 100
If the percentage of free FCM buffers falls below 20% and if the FCM buffer auto-tuning is enabled, then the database manager will adjust the FCM buffer numbers.
If the percentage of free FCM buffers falls below 20% and if the FCM buffer auto-tuning is not enabled, then you need to tune the fcm_num_buffers configuration parameter.
buff_free_bottom - Minimum FCM Buffers Free monitor element
The lowest number of free FCM buffers reached during processing.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_FCM - Get FCM metrics | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | fcm | Basic |
Use this element along with the fcm_num_buffers configuration parameter to determine the maximum FCM buffer pool utilization. If the value of the buff_free_bottom monitor element is low, increase the value of the fcm_num_buffers configuration parameter to ensure that operations do not run out of FCM buffers. If the value of the buff_free_bottom monitor element is high, decrease the value of the fcm_num_buffers configuration parameter to conserve system resources.
buff_max - Maximum possible number of FCM buffers monitor element
Maximum number of fast communication manager (FCM) buffers that can be allocated, based on the amount of virtual memory reserved when the instance was started.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_FCM - Get FCM metrics | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | fcm | Basic |
This internal monitor element is used by IBM Support only.
buff_total - Number of currently allocated FCM buffers monitor element
Number of fast communication manager (FCM) buffers currently allocated. This number includes both in-use buffers and free buffers.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_FCM - Get FCM metrics | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | fcm | Basic |
If the buff_auto_tuning monitor element indicates that FCM is being tuned automatically, then the value of the buff_total monitor element is adjusted based on the demand for FCM buffers.
buff_total - buff_free
(buff_free/buff_total) * 100
If the percentage of free FCM buffers falls below 20% and if the FCM buffer auto-tuning is enabled, then the database manager will adjust the FCM buffer numbers.
If the percentage of free FCM buffers falls below 20% and if the FCM buffer auto-tuning is not enabled, then you need to tune the fcm_num_buffers configuration parameter.
byte_order - Byte Order of Event Data monitor element
The byte ordering of numeric data, specifically whether
the event data stream was generated on a big endian
(for example, a RS/6000)
or little endian
server (for example, an Intel-based PC running Windows 2000).
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Event Log Header | event_log_header | Always collected |
- Usage
- This information is needed to allow you to interpret numeric
data in the data stream, since the byte order of integers on a
big endian
server is the reverse of the byte order on alittle endian
server.If the application that processes the data recognizes that it is running on one type of computer hardware (for example, a big endian computer), while the event data was produced on the other type of computer hardware (for example, a little endian computer), then the monitoring application will have to reverse the bytes of numeric data fields before interpreting them. Otherwise, byte reordering is not required.
This element can be set to one of the following API constants:- SQLM_BIG_ENDIAN
bytes_total - Total number of bytes monitor element
Total number of bytes completed by the utility.
Event type | Logical data grouping | Monitor switch |
Change History | UTILSTOP | Always collected |
Bytes_total is used only by the BACKUP change history event monitor. This element contains the actual size of the backup image, which is determined at the end of a backup process. In other words, the total number of bytes written by all the backup media sessions combined. This number varies according to the various backup options used; the counter is smaller for a compressed backup image, assuming that compression has already taken place.