nodetype - Instance node type configuration parameter

This parameter specifies the type of instance (the type of database manager) created by Db2® products installed on your machine.

Configuration type
Database manager
Applies to
  • Database server with local and remote clients
  • Client
  • Database server with local clients
  • Partitioned database server with local and remote clients
Parameter type
The possible values that are returned by this parameter and the products associated with that node type are shown in the following list:
  • Database server with local and remote clients - a Db2 server product, supporting local and remote Data Server Runtime Clients, and capable of accessing other remote database servers.
  • Client - a Data Server Runtime Client capable of accessing remote database servers.
  • Database server with local clients - a Db2 relational database management system, supporting local Data Server Runtime Clients and capable of accessing other, remote database servers.
  • Partitioned database server with local and remote clients - a Db2 server product, supporting local and remote Data Server Runtime Clients, and capable of accessing other remote database servers, and capable of parallelism.