logarchopt1 - Primary log archive options configuration parameter
This parameter specifies a string of options which control log archiving behavior when the primary archived log method, logarchmeth1, is enabled. Multiple options can be specified in the string and must be separated by white space.
See the section that is titled Log archive options 1 (logarchopt1), log archive options 2 (logarchopt2) of Configuration parameters for database logging for a complete description of log archive options.
- Configuration type
- Database
- Applies to
- Database server with local and remote clients
- Client
- Database server with local clients
- Partitioned database server with local and remote clients
- Parameter type
- Configurable Online
- Default [range]
- Null [not applicable]
- Restrictions
- See Configuration parameters for database logging for a complete description of logarchopt1 and logarchopt2 options, including restrictions.
Note: Only the first 30 characters are stored in the history file. If AUTO_DEL_REC is
configured to drive automatic log file deletion, the original value might not be
passed correctly to the shared library and this can cause the deletion to