Installing Pacemaker using the db2installPCMK install script
You can install Pacemaker using the db2installPCMK installation script that is included in the Db2® installation media.
Before you begin
Whether you use the Db2 installer or the db2installPCMK installation script to install Db2, you must meet the basic prerequisites for installing Db2. For more information, refer to Installing the Pacemaker cluster software stack.
What to do next
Whether you use the Db2 installer or the db2installPCMK installation script to install Pacemaker, follow the same post-installation steps. For more information about post-install steps, see Installing the Pacemaker cluster software stack.
If you use the Db2 High Availability (HA) Feature with Pacemaker as your cluster manager, the database manager uses resource agent scripts to start, stop, and monitor specific resources. These scripts are installed or updated automatically when you use the Db2 installer to install or update Pacemaker. When you install or update Pacemaker using the db2installPCMK utility, you must then manually install or update these scripts. For more information about installing or upgrading the scripts manually, see Installing, updating, and uninstalling resource agent scripts for Pacemaker manually.