Installing the Db2 Operator from the IBM Operator Catalog

IBM provides a catalog of product offerings in the form of a catalog index image. To view IBM offerings in the OpenShift Operator catalog, the catalog index image needs to be enabled. You enable the image on a Red Hat OpenShift cluster through a CatalogSource resource.


To enable the IBM Operator Catalog in your OpenShift cluster:

  1. From your OpenShift UI console, roll over the + icon on the tool bar and select Import YAML.
  2. Paste the following YAML content into the space provided:
    kind: CatalogSource
      name: ibm-operator-catalog
      namespace: openshift-marketplace
      displayName: "IBM Operator Catalog" 
      publisher: IBM
      sourceType: grpc
          interval: 45m
  3. Click Create.
    From the navigation panel, under Provider Type, you should see an option for IBM Operators, from which you can install the Db2® Operator. For the latest Db2 Operator version and channel information, see Db2 on Red Hat OpenShift.

What to do next

You can verify the installation by running the following from the command line:
oc get CatalogSources ibm-operator-catalog -n openshift-marketplace
  • If the installation was successful, you should see output that is similar to this:
    NAME                   DISPLAY                 TYPE   PUBLISHER      AGE
    ibm-operator-catalog   IBM Operator Catalog    grpc   IBM            50s
  • If the installation failed, the following message is displayed:
    Error from server (NotFound):
                    "ibm-operator-catalog" not found

    To help resolve this error, run the following command to check the pods and CatalogSource resources in the openshift-marketplace namespace:

    oc get catalogsource,pods -n openshift-marketplace

    The output should provide information about your CatalogSource resources and status of the pods; for example:

    NAME                           DISPLAY        TYPE  PUBLISHER  AGE  Certified Operators  grpc  Red Hat   20d  Community Operators  grpc  Red Hat   20d  IBM Operator Catalog  grpc  IBM     48s  IBMCS Operators    grpc  IBM     48s   Red Hat Marketplace  grpc  Red Hat   20d    Red Hat Operators   grpc  Red Hat   20d
    NAME                    READY  STATUS  RESTARTS  AGE
    pod/certified-operators-575f586fd8-m2ldh  1/1   Running  0     41m
    pod/community-operators-57fd7676ff-sqzgs  1/1   Running  0     15h
    pod/ibm-operator-catalog-85b2w       1/1   Running  0     48s
    pod/marketplace-operator-5fcf68c65c-l8tcg  1/1   Running  0     5d8h
    pod/opencloud-operators-wbb9k        1/1   Running  0     48s
    pod/redhat-marketplace-665c9c6db4-hhfkd   1/1   Running  0     41m
    pod/redhat-operators-8678ddbc5-6szpp    1/1   Running  0     4d1h