Viewing cluster caching facility processor load

You can view the overall CPU load on the primary cluster caching facilities in a Db2® pureScale® instance using the ENV_CF_SYS_RESOURCES administrative view.

Before you begin

You must be connected to a database running in a Db2 pureScale instance.

About this task

The ENV_CF_SYS_RESOURCES administrative view returns information for all cluster caching facilities (also known as CFs) in a Db2 pureScale instance. In instances where you have more than one CF configured, one to act as the primary and the others to serve as backup CFs running in PEER mode, the ENV_CF_SYS_RESOURCES administrative view returns information for all CFs.

Note: The value reported for CPU load reflects the total usage of the CPU for actual processing performed by the CF, and for host processes other than processes from the CF.


To determine the CPU load on the CFs in a Db2 pureScale instance:

  1. Formulate an SQL statement that uses the ENV_CF_SYS_RESOURCES administrative view.
    For example:
            VARCHAR(VALUE,25) AS VALUE, 
            VARCHAR(UNIT,8) AS UNIT 
  2. Run the statement.
    The preceding query would return the following output:
    HOST_ATTRIBUTE       VALUE                     UNIT
    -------------------- ------------------------- --------
    HOST_NAME            HOSTA                       -
    MEMORY_TOTAL         24108                     MB
    MEMORY_FREE          3504                      MB
    MEMORY_SWAP_TOTAL    4102                      MB
    MEMORY_SWAP_FREE     4063                      MB
    VIRTUAL_MEM_TOTAL    28211                     MB
    VIRTUAL_MEM_FREE     7568                      MB
    CPU_USAGE_TOTAL      96                        PERCENT
    HOST_NAME            HOSTB                     -
    MEMORY_TOTAL         24108                     MB
    MEMORY_FREE          3342                      MB
    MEMORY_SWAP_TOTAL    4102                      MB
    MEMORY_SWAP_FREE     4063                      MB
    VIRTUAL_MEM_TOTAL    28211                     MB
    VIRTUAL_MEM_FREE     7406                      MB
    CPU_USAGE_TOTAL      97                        PERCENT
      16 record(s) selected.
    In this output, there are results for both HOSTA and HOSTB, which indicates there are two hosts that are configured to serve as CFs.
  3. To determine which of the hosts is acting as the primary CF, you can use the DB2_CF administrative view:
    The preceding query returns the following output:
    HOST         ID     STATE
    ------------ ------ --------------------------------
    HOSTA           128 PRIMARY
    HOSTB           129 PEER
      2 record(s) selected.
    In this case, the primary host is HOSTA, and based on the output from the command used in step 2, you can surmise that the CPU load on the primary CF is 96%.

What to do next

If you find your CPU usage is running at maximum capacity, adding processors to, or upgrading your cluster caching facilities might improve system throughput.
Note: For hosts with more than one logical processor, usage numbers can exceed 100%. For example, an eight processor host might have processor usage approach 800%.