Installing and upgrading SA MP with the Db2 installer

IBM® Tivoli® System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) is integrated with IBM Db2 server as part of the Db2 High Availability Feature on AIX® and Linux® operating systems. You can install, upgrade, or uninstall SA MP using either the Db2 installer or the installSAM and uninstallSAM scripts that are included in the Db2 server install media.

Before you begin

  • To install and use SA MP, your system configuration and intended use of SA MP must meet the terms of the license that comes with the SA MP that is integrated with Db2 server.

    For information about the license details of SA MP that is integrated with Db2 server, see License terms for using IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) integrated with IBM Db2 server.

  • To install or upgrade SA MP your system architecture must be supported by the SA MP that is integrated with Db2 server.

    For more information about SA MP supported software and hardware, see Supported software and hardware for IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP).

  • You must have root authority to install SA MP.

    If you perform a non-root installation of Db2 server, you can install SA MP from the IBM Db2 installation media separately. When you install SA MP separately, you still must have root authority.

  • SA MP does not support AIX system workload partitions (WPARs).
  • If a IBM PowerHA® SystemMirror® for AIX cluster is running, you cannot perform a SA MP installation or upgrade because SA MP bundles Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) filesets that are dependent on PowerHA SystemMirror. To skip the SA MP installation use the db2_install command or the installFixPack command.

    For information about installing or upgrading SA MP using a PowerHA SystemMirror cluster, see the white paper entitled Upgrade guide for Db2 Servers in HACMP Environments, which is available from the IBM Support and downloads website (