TargetPrincipal IBM data server driver configuration keyword

Specifies the fully qualified Kerberos principal name of the Db2® instance owner for a target server.

Equivalent CLI keyword
Equivalent IBM® data server provider for .NET connection string keyword
IBM data server driver configuration file (db2dsdriver.cfg) syntax
<parameter name="TargetPrincipal" value=" name/instance@REALM"/>
Default setting:
Usage notes:
For Windows operating systems, the fully qualified Kerberos principal name is the data server service logon account in one of the following forms.
  • userid@DOMAIN
  • domain\userid
For example, if the data server service account is LocalSystem, the TargetPrincipal is HOST/host_name@DOMAIN, where host_name is the fully qualified host name and DOMAIN is the fully qualified domain name in uppercase. Otherwise, the TargetPrincipal is userid@DOMAIN, where userid is the user ID for the data server service account and DOMAIN is the fully qualified domain name in uppercase.