SkipLocalCPConversionForWcharConvert IBM data server driver configuration keyword

Specifies whether local code page conversion is skipped for graphic data types when WCHARTYPE CONVERT precompile option is set.

Equivalent CLI keyword
Equivalent IBM® data server provider for .NET connection string keyword
IBM data server driver configuration file (db2dsdriver.cfg) syntax
<parameter name="SkipLocalCPConversionForWcharConvert" value=" ONOFF "/>
Default setting
Usage notes
The SkipLocalCPConversionForWcharConvert keyword applies to embedded SQL applications only under following conditions:
  • The C or C++ embedded SQL application that is running on Windows operating system environment.
  • The WCHARTYPE CONVERT precompile option is used during the precompile process.
  • Graphic data type is declared in the application.
  • The C or C++ embedded SQL application is running on Db2® Cancun Release or later.
Skips local code page conversion for the graphic data types.
The default value of the SkipLocalCPConversionForWcharConvert keyword.

The SkipLocalCPConversionForWcharConvert keyword can be set in the <dsn>, <database>, or <parameters> section of the IBM data server driver configuration keyword file (db2dsdriver.cfg).