DateDefaultDescribeMapping IBM data server driver configuration keyword

Controls the SQL data type returned when DATE columns and parameter markers are described.

Equivalent CLI keyword
Equivalent IBM® Data Server Provider for .NET connection string keyword
db2dsdriver.cfg configuration syntax
<parameter name="DateDefaultDescribeMapping" value="0 | 1 | 2"/>
Default setting:
The default SQL data type for DATE data is returned: SQL_DATE for ODBC 2.0 or SQL_TYPE_DATE for ODBC 3.0.
Usage notes:
To control the SQL data type that is returned when DATE columns and parameter markers are described, set DateDefaultDescribeMapping as follows:
  • 0 - to return the default SQL data type: SQL_DATE for ODBC 2.0 or SQL_TYPE_DATE for ODBC 3.0
  • 1 - to return the SQL_CHAR SQL data type
  • 2 - to return the SQL_WCHAR SQL data type
Only the following CLI functions are affected by setting DateDefaultDescribeMapping:
  • SQLColumns()
  • SQLDescribeCol()
  • SQLDescribeParam()
  • SQLGetDescField()
  • SQLGetDescRec()
  • SQLProcedureColumns()
  • SQLSpecialColumns()