Obtaining a file system trace

When reporting a problem to IBM Service, you might be asked for a detailed trace for the Db2® cluster file system, which is based on IBM® Spectrum Scale. Use the following information to take a IBM Spectrum Scale trace.

About this task

Enabling the trace facility (OFF by default) might impact the performance of your system. As a result, use the trace facility only when directed by IBM Technical Support. The optimal values that are to be used for the trace buffer size, file size, and tracing levels vary depending on the type of problem. IBM Technical Support analyzes the problem and gives recommended values for these variables.

The mmchconfig command can be used to configure IBM Spectrum Scale tracing parameters.

The configuration changes are automatically applied to all nodes in the cluster.


To obtain a IBM Spectrum Scale trace, run the following steps as the root user:

  1. Make sure the /tmp/mmfs directory exists on all nodes.
    Trace reports and internal dumps are written to this directory.
  2. Set up the trace level on each IBM Spectrum Scale cluster by entering the following command:
    mmchconfig trace = trace_hooks
    where trace_hooks specifies the type of event to trace.
    Note: Values for the trace hooks depend on the problem that is being experienced. Contact IBM Technical support for recommended values.
  3. Increase the size of the trace buffer and trace file by entering the following command:
    mmchconfig traceFileSize = filesize
    where filesize specifies the output trace log file size
    Note: The value for filesize depends on the problem that is being experienced. Contact IBM Technical support for recommended values.
  4. To start the trace run the mmtrace command on all hosts that are affected by the problem.
  5. To check whether the trace is started run ps -ef | grep trace. The command /bin/trace might be displayed.
  6. Reproduce the problem that you want to trace.
  7. Dump the trace buffer by entering the mmtrace command on each IBM Spectrum Scale node.
  8. Turn off the trace by entering the following command:
    mmtrace stop