Installing offline fix pack updates to existing Db2 database products (Linux® and UNIX)

To update a Db2 database product to the new fix pack level, apply an offline fix pack update to the Db2 database product that is already installed.

Before you begin

  • If you are installing a fix pack to a Db2 pureScale® instance, see topic Installing offline fix pack updates to a Db2 pureScale instance (simplified method) or topic Installing online fix pack updates to a higher code level on a Db2 pureScale instance.
  • Ensure that you meet all of the necessary tasks before you install a fix pack. Refer to Preparing to install a fix pack.
  • If more than one Db2 database product is installed in the selected path, you must use a universal fix pack image to install the fix pack.
  • If you want to update an existing Db2 database product with national languages installed, you must obtain the national language fix pack in addition to either an individual fix pack or a universal fix pack. National language fix packs cannot be used alone.

    For example, to install a fix pack on a Db2 database product with non-English support installed, download the Db2 database product-specific fix pack image (or the universal fix pack image) and the national language fix pack. Then, run installFixPack from the Db2 database product-specific fix pack image (or the universal fix pack image).


To install a fix pack for a non Db2 pureScale instance:

  1. For root installations:
    1. Log on to the server with root user authority.
    2. Extract the fix pack or special build image.
    3. Install the fix pack image using the installFixPack to a different directory than the currently installed image you want to update. For example, if you currently have a 11.5 image on /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5 and are trying to update to V11.5 Mod Pack x Fix Pack y:
      FP-image-path>./installFixPack -b current-installation-dir -p install-FP-dir

      Where FP-image-path is the directory that contains the fix pack image, current-installation-dir is where the current image is installed, and install-FP-dir can be set as /opt/ibm/db2/fixpack.

    4. Update each instance by issuing the db2iupdt command from the fix pack directory. Following the example above:
      /opt/ibm/db2/fixpack/instance> ./db2iupdt -d [-u fenced-ID] instance-name
    5. Verify that the instances are running the updated fix pack code by running the db2level command as the instance owner.
  2. For non-root installations:
    1. Log on with the user ID that owns the non-root installation.
    2. Extract the fix pack or special build image.
    3. Install the fix pack image and update the instance by using the installFixPack command. For example, if you currently have a image on /home/<instance-owner>/sqllib and are trying to update to
      FP-image-path> ./installFixPack -b image-path -l FP-log-file -t FP-trace-file

      Where FP-image-path is the directory that contains the fix pack image and image-path is /home/<instance-owner>/sqllib

    4. Verify that the instances are running the updated fix pack code by running the db2level command.

What to do next

To complete the installation, perform the necessary post-installation tasks for fix packs. Refer to Post-installation tasks for fix packs (Linux and UNIX).