Health monitor sample output

Use the health monitor to determine if there are any potential database health issues, such as hardware failure or poor system performance. You can gather data for the health monitor by capturing snapshots through the command line, SQL table functions, and APIs.

The following examples show health snapshots taken using the CLP, and their corresponding output, and illustrate the nature of the health monitor. The objective in the examples is to check the overall health status immediately after starting the database manager.

  1. Take the database manager snapshot, using the GET HEALTH SNAPSHOT command:
    db2 get health snapshot for dbm

    After the GET HEALTH SNAPSHOT command is issued from the CLP, the snapshot output is directed to the screen.

    Node name                                      =
    Node type                                      = Database Server with local
                                                     and remote clients
    Instance name                                  = Db2
    Snapshot timestamp                             = 11-07-2002 12:43:23.613425
    Number of database partitions in Db2 instance  = 1
    Start Database Manager timestamp               = 11-07-2002 12:43:18.000108
    Instance highest severity alert state          = Not yet evaluated
    Health Indicators:
        Not yet evaluated
  2. Analyze the output. From this health snapshot, you can see that the instance highest severity alert state is "Not yet evaluated". The instance is in this state because the health monitor has just started and has not yet evaluated any health indicators.
    Should the instance highest severity alert state not change:
    • Check the value of the HEALTH_MON database manager configuration parameter to determine if the health monitor is on.
    • If HEALTH_MON=OFF, then the health monitor is not started. To start the health monitor, issue the UPDATE DBM CFG USING HEALTH_MON ON command.
    • If HEALTH_MON=ON, attach to the instance to activate the health monitor. If an instance attachment exists, it is possible that the health monitor could not be loaded into memory.

Here is another example of taking a database health snapshot using the CLP.

  1. Before you begin, ensure that a database connection exists, and that the database is quiesced.
  2. Take the database manager snapshot, using the GET HEALTH SNAPSHOT command:
    db2 get health snapshot for db on sample
  3. After the GET HEALTH SNAPSHOT command is issued from the CLP, the snapshot output is directed to the screen.
                 Database Health Snapshot
    Snapshot timestamp                         = 12-09-2002 11:44:37.793184
    Database name                              = SAMPLE
    Database path                              = E:\DB2\NODE0000\SQL00002\
    Input database alias                       = SAMPLE
    Operating system running at database server= NT
    Location of the database                   = Local
    Database highest severity alert state      = Attention
    Health Indicators:
        Indicator Name                             = db.log_util
           Value                                   = 60
           Unit                                    = %
           Evaluation timestamp                    = 12-09-2002 11:44:00.095000
           Alert state                             = Normal
        Indicator Name                             = db.db_op_status
           Value                                   = 2
           Evaluation timestamp                    = 12-09-2002 11:44:00.095000
           Alert state                             = Attention
  4. Analyze the output.

    This health snapshot reveals that there is an attention alert on the db.db_op_status health indicator. The value of 2 indicates that the database is in quiesced state.