Manual HADR data collection

If you suspect that there is congestion within HADR, you can manually collect HADR related data by issuing the db2fodc command with the -hadr parameter for use in troubleshooting HADR.
To manually collect HADR related data, run the following command on the primary or standby host:
db2fodc -hadr -db dbname
This command invokes the db2cos_hadr (db2cos_hadr.bat on Windows) script and places the collected data in the FODC_Hadr_timestamp_hostname_Primary|Standby|Standard directory, which is created in the DIAGPATH directory.

The FODC_Hadr_timestamp_hostname_Primary, Standby, or Standard directory is created in the DIAGPATH directory. You can modify the db2cos_hadr script and place it in the sqllib/adm/directory directory so that this script is used when HADR data collection is started.

You can collect data on remote hosts by specifying the -host parameter. The following is an example of how to collect data on remote hosts with two hosts: hostA as primary and hostB as standby.

On hostA, issue db2fodc -hadr -db sample -host all. This command collects data on both hosts and places the collected data in the DIAGPATH directory on each host. You can also issue db2fodc -hadr -db sample -host hostA,hostB to specify HADR data collection on hostA and hostB. On hostA, issue db2fodc -hadr -db sample -host hostB to collect data on hostB and place the collected data in the DIAGPATH directory on hostB. On hostA, issue db2fodc -hadr -db sample -host all -fodcpath /TMP/hadrdata/ to collect data on both hosts and place the collected data in the /TMP/hadrdata/ directory.