XML schema for the OPTPROFILE element
The OPTPROFILE element is the root of an optimization profile.
This element is defined as follows:
XML Schema
<xs:element name="OPTPROFILE">
<!-- Global optimization guidelines section. -->
<!-- At most one can be specified. -->
<xs:element name="OPTGUIDELINES"
type="globalOptimizationGuidelinesType" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- Statement profile section. Zero or more can be specified -->
<xs:element name="STMTPROFILE" type="statementProfileType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<!-- Version attribute is currently optional -->
<xs:attribute name="VERSION" use="optional"/>
The optional OPTGUIDELINES sub-element defines the global optimization guidelines for the optimization profile. Each STMTPROFILE sub-element defines a statement profile. The VERSION attribute identifies the current optimization profile schema against which a specific optimization profile was created and validated.