Host or member issues
When you encounter a problem, it is important to diagnose and then troubleshoot the problem. Details are given on how to identify alerts or errors and to diagnose and troubleshoot symptoms that might occur in a Db2® pureScale® environment.
In a Db2 pureScale environment, the db2instance -list command can be run from any host where a member or cluster caching facility is located to get information about problem symptoms that might occur.
The three distinct state elements: member, cluster caching facility, and host can show symptoms such as alerts, errors, and WAITING_FOR_FAILBACK.
If the database is unavailable, reporting of some data is still possible if the Db2 pureScale instance manager is still available on the host because you can use the db2instance -list command if there is no current database connection or if the instance is stopped.
- Running the db2cluster (-cm) -list -alert command to check for alerts
- Checking the db2diag log file for data diagnostic information and error messages
- Checking the DIAGPATH directory for any diagnostic files that are produced and FODC directories
- Checking the CF_DIAGPATH directory for any cluster caching facility diagnostic data produced
- Running the errpt -a command to view the system error log. Look for related log entries at the time of the failure.
You can monitor the state of hosts members and cluster caching facilities.