Retrieving file system information
You can use the db2cluster command to obtain information about file systems and the disks that comprise each file system.
The db2cluster command provides an easy way
of finding out more information about:
- The file systems managed by Db2® cluster services
- To list the file systems, use this db2cluster command:
An example of the output from this command:db2cluster -cfs -list -filesystem
FILE SYSTEM NAME MOUNT_POINT --------------------------------- ------------------------- prodgpfs4 /prodgpfs4
- The disks that are used by a file system
- To list the disks, issue the db2cluster command:
For example, for a file system called prodgpfs4, you use this command:db2cluster -list -filesystem filesystem-name -disk
An example of the output from this command:db2cluster -list -filesystem prodgpfs4 -disk
PATH ON LOCAL HOST OTHER KNOWN PATHS --------------------------------- ------------------------- /dev/dm-0 /dev/dm-1 /dev/dm-2 /dev/dm-3 /dev/dm-4
PATH ON LOCAL HOST might vary from host to host. An asterisk beside a disk indicates that the disk is a tie-breaker disk. It cannot be removed from the file system unless another disk is assigned as the tiebreaker.
OTHER KNOWN PATHS shows if a disk appears with a different device path name on another host.
- The configuration of a file system
- To list the configuration of a file system, issue this db2cluster command:
For example, for a file system called prodgpfs4, you issue this command:db2cluster -cfs -list -filesystem filesystem-name -configuration
An example of the output from this command:db2cluster -cfs -list -filesystem prodgpfs4 -configuration
prodgpfs4 OPTION VALUE minFragmentSize 32768 inodeSize 512 indirectBlockSize 32768 defaultMetadataReplicas 1 maxMetadataReplicas 2 defaultDataReplicas 1 maxDataReplicas 2 blockAllocationType cluster fileLockingSemantics nfs4 ACLSemantics all numNodes 32 blockSize 1048576 quotasAccountingEnabled none quotasEnforced none defaultQuotasEnabled none perfilesetQuotas no filesetdfEnabled no filesystemVersion 14.27 ( filesystemVersionLocal 14.27 ( filesystemVersionManager 14.27 ( filesystemVersionOriginal 11.05 ( filesystemHighestSupported 14.27 ( create-time Thu Oct 13 16:48:22 2011 DMAPIEnabled no logfileSize 4194304 exactMtime yes suppressAtime no strictReplication whenpossible fastEAenabled yes encryption no maxNumberOfInodes 2088960 maxSnapshotId 0 UID 091A7EB5:4E974E96 logReplicas 0 is4KAligned no rapidRepairEnabled no write-cache-threshold 0 storagePools system disks nsd1GPFS;nsd2GPFS;nsd3GPFS;nsd4GPFS;nsd5GPFS automaticMountOption yes additionalMountOptions none defaultMountPoint /prodgpfs4 mountPriority