Fix pack installation methods
There are several different methods for installing fix packs, depending on the operating system and whether there are existing database products.
- To install new Db2® database products in
a selected location for Db2 instances in Db2 environments other
than Db2
refer to Installing offline fix packs to add Db2 database products (Linux and UNIX).
Follow these instructions to install new Db2 database products at a particular fix pack level or special build. The db2setup command is used to perform the installation.
- To update existing Db2 database products in
a selected location for Db2 instances in Db2 environments other
than Db2
refer to Installing offline fix pack updates to existing Db2 database products (Linux and UNIX).
Follow the instructions in the preceding link if a Db2 database product is already installed and you want to apply a new fix pack level or special build. The installFixPack command is used to install the fix pack.
- To apply an online fix pack update to existing Db2 database products in
a Db2
instance, use one of the following options:
- Concurrent online fix pack updating (manual method)
- Smarter concurrent fix pack updating (automatic method)
- To apply an online fix pack update to existing Db2 database products in
a Db2
instance on a HADR environment, refer to Installing online fix pack updates to a higher code level in a HADR environment.
Follow the instructions in the preceding link if a Db2 database product is already installed in an HADR environment and you want to apply a new fix pack level or special build by using online fix pack updates. The installFixPack command is used to install the fix pack.
- To
apply an online fix pack update to existing Db2 database products in
a Db2
instance in a GDPC environment, refer to Installing online fix pack updates to a higher code level in a GDPC environment.
Follow the instructions in the preceding link if a Db2 database product is already installed in a GDPC environment and you want to apply a new fix pack level or special build by using online fix pack updates. The installFixPack command is used to install the fix pack.
- To apply an offline fix pack update to existing Db2 database products in
a Db2
instance, refer to Installing offline fix pack updates to a Db2 pureScale instance (simplified method).
Follow the instructions in the preceding link if a Db2 database product is already installed and you want to apply a new fix pack level or special build by using offline fix pack updates. The installFixPack command is used to install the fix pack.
- Installing a fix pack for a single database product (Windows).
Follow the instructions in the preceding link if a single Db2 database product is already installed and you want to apply a new fix pack level. The setup command is used to install the fix pack.
- Installing a fix pack for multiple database products (Windows).
Follow the instructions in the preceding link to install a fix pack on a system with multiple Db2 database products installed. The setup command is used to install the fix pack.
- Installing a fix pack using a response file (Windows) (single product or multiple products).
Follow the instructions in the preceding link to perform a response file installation of a fix pack. A response file installation might also be referred to as a silent installation or an unattended installation. The setup command is used to install the fix pack.
- Installing a fix pack in a Microsoft Cluster Server environment (Windows).
Follow the instructions in the preceding link to install a fix pack for an existing Db2 installation in an MSCS environment.