srvcon_pw_plugin - Userid-password plug-in for incoming connections at the server configuration parameter
This parameter specifies the name of the default userid-password plug-in library to be used for server-side authentication.
Important: The DATA_ENCRYPT authentication type is
deprecated and might be removed in a future release. To encrypt data in-transit between clients and
Db2® databases, we recommend that you use the
Db2 database system support of Transport Layer Security (TLS). For more
information, see Encryption of data in transit
It handles incoming connections at the server when the srvcon_auth parameter is specified as CLIENT, SERVER, SERVER_ENCRYPT, DATA_ENCRYPT or DATA_ENCRYPT_CMP, or when srvcon_auth is not specified, and authentication is specified as CLIENT, SERVER, SERVER_ENCRYPT, DATA_ENCRYPT or DATA_ENCRYPT_CMP.
- Configuration type
- Database manager
- Applies to
- Database server with local and remote clients
- Database server with local clients
- Partitioned database server with local and remote clients
- Parameter type
- Configurable
- Default [range]
- Null [any valid string ]
By default, the value is null and the userid-password plug-in library that is supplied with Db2 database is used. For non-root installations, if the Db2 userid and password plug-in library is used, the db2rfe command must be run before using your Db2 database product.