Db2 Community Edition for Docker
Db2® Community Edition is a free, entry-level edition of the Db2 data server for the developer and partner community. While you can install Db2 Community Edition directly to your Linux or Windows operating system, IBM also offers a Docker run-time solution for Linux, Windows, and Apple Mac systems.
Note: The Db2 Community Edition
Docker image is intended to familiarize you with working with Db2 in a
containerized environment. It is intended for non-production use only and is offered without
support. Upgrading from the Community Edition license is also not supported for this
Docker Containers and your Db2 Community Edition image
Docker containers provide you with a virtualized run-time environment from which to run Db2, without impacting your existing operating system.
A container is a runtime instance of a docker image, which is an ordered collection of root file system changes and related execution code.
An image typically contains a union of layered file systems stacked on top of each other, but it
has no state and it never changes. So, a Docker container consists of:
- A Docker image (e.g., Db2 Community Edition)
- An execution environment
- A standard set of instructions
Note: The Db2 Community Edition Docker image has moved from Docker Hub to ICR.