The CATALOG DATABASE command stores database location information in the system database directory. The database can be located either on the local workstation or on a remote database partition server. The CATALOG DATABASE command can also be used to recatalog uncataloged databases, or maintain multiple aliases for one database, regardless of database location.
In a partitioned database environment, when a local database is being cataloged into the system database directory, this command must be issued from a database partition on the server where the database is located.
Required connection
None. Directory operations affect the local directory only.
Command syntax
Command parameters
- DATABASE database-name
- Specifies the name of the database to catalog.
- AS alias
- Specifies an alias as an alternative name for the database that is being cataloged. If an alias is not specified, the database manager uses database-name as the alias.
- ON path | drive
- Specifies the path on which the database being cataloged resides. On Windows operating systems, might instead specify the letter of the drive on which the database being cataloged resides (if it was created on a drive, not on a specific path).
- AT NODE nodename
- Specifies the name of the database partition server where the database being cataloged resides. This name should match the name of an entry in the node directory. If the node name specified does not exist in the node directory, a warning is returned, but the database is cataloged in the system database directory. The node name should be cataloged in the node directory if a connection to the cataloged database is required.
- The authentication value is stored for remote databases (it appears in the output from the
LIST DATABASE DIRECTORY command) but it is not stored for local databases.
Specifying an authentication type can result in a performance benefit.
- Specifies that authentication takes place on the database partition server containing the target database.
- Specifies that authentication takes place on the database partition server where the application is invoked.
- Specifies that authentication takes place on the database partition server containing the target database, and that user IDs and passwords are encrypted at the source. User IDs and passwords are decrypted at the target, as specified by the authentication type cataloged at the source.
- Specifies that authentication takes place by using Kerberos Security Mechanism.
- TARGET PRINCIPAL principalname
- Fully qualified Kerberos principal name for the target server; that is, the fully qualified
Kerberos principal of the Db2 instance owner in the
form of
. For Windows Server 2003, this is the logon account of the Db2 server service in the form ofuserid@DOMAIN
- Specifies that authentication takes place by using an external GSS API-based plug-in security mechanism.
- Specifies that authentication takes place on the database partition server containing the target database, and that user IDs and passwords are encrypted with an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm at the source and decrypted at the target.
- Note: This option is available starting from Db2 version 11.5.4.Specifies that authentication takes place on the database partition server that contains the target database by using a token. The type of token is specified as part of the CONNECT statement.
- WITH "comment-string"
- Describes the database or the database entry in the system database directory. The maximum length of a comment string is 30 characters. A carriage return or a line feed character is not allowed. The comment text must be enclosed by double quotation marks.
db2 catalog database sample on /databases/sample
with "Sample Database"
Usage notes
Db2 automatically catalogs databases when they are created. It catalogs an entry for the database in the local database directory and another entry in the system database directory. If the database is created from a remote client (or a client that is running from a different instance on the same machine), an entry is also made in the system database directory at the client instance.
If you do not specify a path or a database partition server name, the database is assumed to be local. In this case, the location of the database is assumed to be the value of the dftdbpath database manager configuration parameter.
Databases on the same database partition server as the database manager instance are cataloged as indirect entries. Databases on other database partition servers are cataloged as remote entries.
The CATALOG DATABASE command automatically creates a system database directory if one does not exist. The system database directory is stored on the path that contains the database manager instance that is being used, and is maintained outside of the database.
List the contents of the system database directory by using the LIST DATABASE DIRECTORY command. To list the contents of the local database directory use the LIST DATABASE DIRECTORY ON path, where path is where the database was created.
If directory caching is enabled, database, node and DCS directory files are cached in memory. To see whether directory caching is enabled, check the value for the dir_cache directory cache support configuration parameter in the output from the GET DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION command. An application's directory cache is created during its first directory lookup. Since the cache is only refreshed when the application modifies any of the directory files, directory changes that are made by other applications might not be effective until the application is restarted.
To refresh the CLP's directory cache, use the TERMINATE command. To refresh the database manager's shared cache, stop (db2stop) and then restart (db2start) the database manager. To refresh the directory cache for another application, stop and then restart that application.
In a pureScale environment, the
db2cluster -cm -add -database_mounts database-name
command must be run after