Parameter values worksheet for cataloging a database

You must know the database name, database alias, authentication type of the environment, and the node on which the database resides to catalog a database.

Use the following worksheet to record the parameter values required to catalog a database.

Table 1. Catalog database parameter values worksheet
Parameter Description Sample Value Your Value
Database name (database_name) When a database is created, the database alias is set to the database name unless otherwise specified. For example, when the sample database is created on the server, a database alias of sample is also created. The database name represents the remote database alias (on the server). sample  
Database alias (database_alias) An arbitrary local nickname that represents the remote database. If you do not provide one, the default is the same as the database name (database_name). Use this name when you connect to the database from a client. mysample  
Authentication (auth_value) The type of authentication required in your environment. Server  
Node name (node_name) The name of the node directory entry that describes where the database resides. Use the same value for node name (node_name) that you used to catalog the node. db2node