Configuring TLS support in Java Db2 clients

The IBM® Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ provides support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption through the Java™ Secure Socket Extension (JSSE).

You can use TLS support in your Java applications if you use IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ type 4 connectivity to Db2® Version 10.5 or later.

Connections to all supported data servers can use server authentication. For server authentication, the server sends a certificate to the client, and the client confirms the identity of the server. Connections to Db2 for z/OS® data servers can also use client authentication. For client authentication, the client sends a certificate to the server, and the server confirms the identity of the client. Client authentication can be used with TLS encryption or without TLS encryption.

To use TLS connections, you need to:

  • Configure connections to the data server to use TLS.
  • Configure your Java Runtime Environment to use TLS.