Monitor and audit facilities using first occurrence data capture (FODC)
If you find you are required to investigate monitor or audit facility problems, there are logs that contain information about the probable cause for the difficulties you may be experiencing.
- Db2® audit log ("db2audit.log")
- Operating system: All
- Default location:
- Windows: Located in the $DB2PATH\instance_name\security directory
- Linux® and UNIX: Located in the $HOME\sqllib\security directory, where $HOME is the instance owner's home directory
- Created when the db2audit facility is started.
- Contains audit records generated by the Db2 audit facility for a series of predefined database events.
- Db2 governor log ("mylog.x", where x is the number of database partitions on which the governor is running)
- Operating system: All
- Default location:
- Windows: Located in the $DB2PATH\instance_name\log directory
- Linux and UNIX: Located in the $HOME\sqllib\log directory, where $HOME is the instance owner's home directory
- Created when using the governor utility. The base of the log file name is specified in the db2gov command.
- Records information about actions performed by the governor daemon (for example, forcing an application, reading the governor configuration file, starting or ending the utility) as well as errors and warnings.
- Event monitor file (for example, "00000000.evt")
- Operating system: All
- Default location: When you create a file event monitor, all of the event records are written to the directory specified in the CREATE EVENT MONITOR statement.
- Generated by the event monitor when events occur.
- Contains event records that are associated with the event monitor.