IBM Data Server Provider for .NET Core


The Db2 .NET provider for Core

The IBM Data Server Driver for .NET Core is also referenced as Db2 .NET Provider for .NET Core, and both names are used interchangeably. You can use the Db2® .NET provider for Core to develop .NET Core applications to connect to IBM® database servers. The following are different packages available for application development, depending on the target platform.

Table 1.
Platform Package Namespace Assembly
Windows IBM.Data.DB2.Core IBM.Data.DB2.Core IBM.Data.DB2.Core.dll
Linux IBM.Data.DB2.Core-lnx IBM.Data.DB2.Core IBM.Data.DB2.Core.dll
macOS IBM.Data.DB2.Core-osx IBM.Data.DB2.Core IBM.Data.DB2.Core.dll
Supported platforms:
  • Windows 64-bit
  • Linux AMD64 with the known exception of Alpine Linux
  • macOS x64

The Db2 .NET provider for Entity Framework Core

You can use the Db2 .NET provider for Entity Framework Core to develop .NET applications that use the .NET Core Entity Framework to connect to IBM database servers. The following are different packages available for application development, depending on the target platform.

Table 2.
Platform Package Namespace Assembly
Windows IBM.EntityFrameworkCore IBM.EntityFrameworkCore IBM.EntityFrameworkCore.dll
Linux IBM.EntityFrameworkCore-lnx IBM.EntityFrameworkCore IBM.EntityFrameworkCore.dll
macOS IBM.EntityFrameworkCore-osx IBM.EntityFrameworkCore IBM.EntityFrameworkCore.dll

These providers are available as NuGet packages and are available for download from IBM downloads. As both providers are available as NuGet packages, bin deployment is supported and installation of the provider is not needed. For more information see The DB2 .NET Provider for Core.