High availability, backup, logging, resiliency, and recovery enhancements

Db2 11.5.8 includes enhancements that help ensure that your data remains available.

The following table displays a list of high availability, backup, logging, resiliency, and recovery enhancements in Db2 11.5.8:
Table 1. High availability, backup, logging, resiliency, and recovery enhancements in Db2 11.5.8
Enhancement Description
Pacemaker software refresh Pacemaker has been upgraded from version 2.0.5 to 2.1.2, and crmsh has been upgraded from version 4.3.1 to 4.4.0.
Pacemaker now supported as the cluster manager for Mutual Failover on RHEL 8.6 and SLES 15 SP3 Linux and higher platforms You can now deploy Mutual Failover for on-premise and cloud instances with Pacemaker as the cluster manager. Db2 Mutual Failover is a highly available deployment where two hosts have an identical Db2 instance installation and a shared mount, with only one host active at one time. With this solution, the setup, configuration, and management of the deployment is handled with the db2cm utility, and the automation of the solution is monitored and controlled by the Pacemaker cluster manager.
Log replay performance for crash recovery, database rollforward and HADR standby New registry variables DB2_RECOVERY_SETTINGS and DB2_DPS_LFR_PAGES_PER_IOcan be used to improve the log replay performance for crash recovery, database rollforward and HADR standby. See "Configuration parameters that can impact log replay performance". Improvements to the log replay logic, in particular in reducing the negative impact caused by using more agents to perform the recovery.
Upload load copy images from local disk to IBM Spectrum Protect (Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)) using db2adutl The db2adutl UPLOAD option is enhanced to now upload load copy images from a local disk to IBM Spectrum Protect (Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)). The newly supported LOADCOPY keyword can be used to upload load copy images based on the following criteria:
  • A file list
  • a time stamp
  • The most recent image in a history file
The images are uploaded and the corresponding history file entry updated to facilitate future recovery of such images. For more information, see db2adutl - Managing Db2 objects within TSM command.
New fields added to the db2ReadLog API and related structures The db2ReadLog API and related structures now support mapping of a start time to an LRI. Using the DB2READLOG_QUERY call, users can now attempt to map a start time to a LRI. The API attempts to return an LRI that either matches the time stamp provided or one from an earlier time. To assist with this new capability, the following field changes have been made to the API:
  • The piStartTime field has been added to the db2ReadLogStruct structure.
  • The finalLRI field has been added to the db2ReadLogInfoStruct structure.
  • The nextStartLRI field in the db2ReadLogInfoStruct structure has been enhanced.
For more information, see db2ReadLog API - Read log records.
Simplified configuration of VIP and Fencing on AWS for highly available deployments The configuration and setup of the Primary VIP and Fencing features is now simplified with the enhanced db2cm utility
Simplified configuration of Azure Load Balancer and Fencing on Azure for highly available deployments The configuration and setup of the Load Balancer and Fencing features on Azure is now simplified with the enhanced db2cm utility
New stored procedures for backing up and restoring Db2 data at the schema and table levels. The LOGICAL_BACKUP and LOGICAL_RESTORE stored procedures are now available to backup and restore schemas that are enabled for row modification tracking. The backup procedure allows read and write access to objects, while the restore procedure can restore a single table out of a backup image. For more information, see Schema-level and table-level backup and restore.
Note: These features were available as a tech preview prior to DT170181.