Compression and storage enhancements

Db2 11.5.5 contains additional compression and storage enhancements for column-organized tables that continue to make Db2 an industrial-strength database solution that is suitable for any size of organization.

Attention: The enhancements in this topic are included in the Db2 11.5.5 mod pack release, which is available for the following products:
The following table displays a list of compression and storage enhancements in 11.5.5:
Table 1. Compression and storage enhancements in 11.5.5
Enhancement Description
Automatic Recompress feature enhancement for columnar tables The REORG TABLE command with the RECOMPRESS option has been enhanced to result in faster performance when recompressing user columnar tables. In addition, page-based string compression can be exploited during recompression for reduced storage consumption. For simplicity, this feature continues to be fully automated and manual execution of this RECOMPRESS option is not supported.