Connection pooling in OLE DB .NET Data Provider applications

The OLE DB .NET Data Provider automatically pools connections using OLE DB session pooling.
Connection string arguments can be used to enable or disable OLE DB services including pooling. For example, the following connection string will disable OLE DB session pooling and automatic transaction enlistment.
Provider=IBMDADB2;OLE DB Services=-4;Data Source=SAMPLE;
The following table describes the ADO connection string attributes you can use to set the OLE DB services:
Table 1. Setting OLE DB services by using ADO connection string attributes
Services enabled Value in connection string
All services (the default) "OLE DB Services = -1;"
All services except pooling "OLE DB Services = -2;"
All services except pooling and auto-enlistment "OLE DB Services = -4;"
All services except client cursor "OLE DB Services = -5;"
All services except client cursor and pooling "OLE DB Services = -6;"
No services "OLE DB Services = 0;"
For more information about OLE DB session pooling or resource pooling, as well as how to disable pooling by overriding OLE DB provider service defaults, see the OLE DB Programmer's Reference in the MSDN library located at: