To establish direct client connection to the Db2® for z/OS® or Db2 for i servers, you
can activate the Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
license certificate file on the corresponding Db2 for z/OS subsystem or
Db2 for i
About this task
You can use the db2connectactivate utility to activate the Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
license on the Db2 for z/OS or Db2 for i server.
This utility is used to avoid applying the Db2 Connect license on each
database client that directly connects to the server. If you are connecting to the Db2 for z/OS database, you can
activate the license certificate file for Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
for System z® on any z/OS subsystem or data sharing group that you want to access directly. If you are connecting
to the Db2 for IBM® i database, you can activate the license certificate file for Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
for System i® that you want to access directly. If you
want to access System z or System i servers through a Db2 Connect gateway server,
apply the Db2 Connect
license in the same manner as the other Db2 product
the Db2 Connect
Unlimited Edition for zSeries license certificate file is activated with the
db2connectactivate utility on the Db2 for z/OS, Version 9.7 fix
pack 3 and later clients can access the database.
When the Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
for iSeries license certificate file is activated with the
db2connectactivate utility on the Db2 for i database,
Version 10.5 and later clients can access the database.
You can activate the Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
for iSeries license certificate file on the Db2 for i V6R1 or later
(PTF SI49652).
Before you run the db2connectactivate utility, you must
ensure that the Java™ Runtime Environment is available on the
To activate the license certificate file on a Db2 for z/OS subsystem or
Db2 for i
server, use the db2connectactivate utility as follows:
Obtain the activation CD image for the Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
software. Download the activation CD image for Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
for zSeries or Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
for iSeries that you purchased from the Passport Advantage® website:
- Extract the compressed activation CD image.
- Change the path to the license subdirectory
in the extracted activation CD image.
- On Linux® and UNIX operating systems:
- The activation CD image for the Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
for zSeries software:
- The activation CD image for the Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
for iSeries software:
- On Windows operating
- The activation CD image for the Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
for zSeries software:
- The activation CD image for the Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
for iSeries software:
- From the license subdirectory, run
the db2connectactivate utility with the appropriate
The following example demonstrates the use of the
db2connectactivate utility:
- On Linux and UNIX
operating systems - -host host_name -port
port_number -database database_name -user
userid -password password
- On Windows operating systems -
db2connectactivate -host host_name -port
port_number -database database_name -user
userid -password password
The license certificate file name for the Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition
for zSeries software is db2consv_zs.lic.
The license certificate file
name for the Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition for iSeries software is
For more information, see the
db2connectactivate server license activation utility topic.